Thesis title
Exploring supported decision making for disabled children and their whānau in a New Zealand education context.
Area of study
- Decision making with disabled children and their whānau
- Collaboration and engagement with whānau
- Student voice
- Goal setting in education in particular Independent Education Plans
- Special education with Ongoing Resource Funded students
- Multi-disciplinary team
- Dr Allyson Calder (BHSc (physiotherapy), PGcertCT, PhD) - Primary supervisor
- Associate Professor Meredith Perry (BPhty, MManipTh, PhD)
- Centre for Health, Activity, and Rehabilitation Research, School of Physiotherapy
Education background
- PhD enrolment 2023
- Masters in Physiotherapy (neurorehabilitation) 2020
- Diploma in Physiotherapy Otago Polytechnic 1987
Robinson, L., Calder, A., & Carrington, L. (2025). Collaborative goal setting for children with disability within education: A scoping review. New Zealand journal of physiotherapy, 52(3), 257-272.
- PNZ conference 2022
- PSIG 2019, 2020, 2023
- Special schools Physiotherapy network 2020
- Central cluster special school’s forum 2019, 2023
- Waikato paediatric network 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024
- Patricia Avenue School professional staff 2018, 2019, 2020, 2023, 2024, 2025
University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship for part time PhD 2023-2029.
Why did you choose the school of physiotherapy?
When my youngest child went to university, I decided it was time to go back to study myself and having trained in Otago it was always going to be my first preference!
My first contact with the School was extremely positive regarding crossing over my Diploma qualifications which was the first hurdle.
What kept me at Otago was the ability to be flexible with my study options; paediatrics, leadership and great distance learning papers.
When returning to complete my PhD I already knew staff and supervisors so the personal factor plus the scholarship option supported my return.
Best things so far about your study?
The privilege of being able to study, read, research in an area of passion with the support of others.