PhD students
Primarily supervised CHARR, School of Physiotherapy
Sarfaraz Alam
The effects of manual therapy on biomechanical, neurophysiological and functional outcomes in people with knee osteoarthritis
Primary supervisor: Dr Cathy Chapple
Muhammad Ali
Physical activity and exercises following ACL rupture: strategies to enhance continued engagement
Primary supervisor: Professor Gisela Sole
Rebecca Blyth
Purposeful heading in female soccer players: what affects head acceleration during a purposeful header and how do athletes feel about the act of heading the ball
Primary supervisor: Associate Professor Gisela Sole
Lizz Carrington
Determining the utility of play based exercise programmes in green and blue spaces for children with disabilities
Read more about Lizz Carrington
Primary Supervisor:Associate Professor Meredith Perry
Gail Donaldson
PhD awarded.
Silicon oil as a medium for post-operative rehabilitation of Duputyren's fasciotomy.
Read more about Gail Donaldson
Primary supervisor: Associate Professor Meredith Perry
Alicia Emerson
PhD awarded.
Submitted for examination: Invisible disease affecting invisible populations: exploring how the geopolitical, historical, and societal spectrum impacts marginalized populations' experiences with chronic musculoskeletal pain management
Read more about Alicia Emerson
Primary supervisor: Professor David Baxter
Gerard Farrell
Manual Therapy treatment directed at the cervical spine in individuals with post-concussion syndrome
Read more about Gerard Farrell
Primary supervisor: Associate Professor Steve Tumilty
Renee Hamel
Long-term impact of cardiovascular and respiratory deconditioning on physical activity intolerance in outpatient adults with moderate and severe traumatic brain injury.
Primary supervisor: Professor Leigh Hale
Jerin Mathew
PhD awarded.
Neurofeedback Intervention to Modulate Knee Osteoarthritic Pain Experience
Primary supervisor: Dr Ram Mani
Huijuan Tan
PhD awarded.
Submitted for examination: Treatment regimens of acupuncture for chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled feasibility trial of 2 × 2 factorial design
Primary supervisor: Professor David Baxter
Mark Overton
PhD awarded.
Submitted for examination: Does pain phenotyping predict pain and functional outcomes in people with persistent musculoskeletal pain?
Primary Supervisor: Dr Ram Mani
Ayesha Nisar
PhD awarded.
Feasibility study of a psycho-social intervention program to enhance resilience and psychological well-being among care givers of stroke survivors: a randomized controlled trial.
Primary supervisor: Professor Leigh Hale
Jacqueline Plater
Evaluating the delivery of evidence-based physiotherapy practice in a changing healthcare environment.
Primary supervisor: Professor David Baxter
Leanne Robinson
Exploring supported decision making for disabled children and their whānau in a New Zealand education context.
Read more about Leanne Robinson
Primary supervisor: Dr Ally Calder
Oka Sanerivi
Culturally responsive Physiotherapy approaches to working with Pacific families
Primary supervisor: Professor Leigh Hale
Amanda Still
Physical activity, sleep and fatigue in Parkinsons Disease
Primary supervisor: Dr Prasath Jayakaran
Aomkhwan Timinkul
Exploring Effective Strategies for Reducing Sedentary Behaviour in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease.
Read more about Aomkhwan Timinkul
Primary supervisor: Dr Emily Gray
Hui Xiao
PhD awarded.
Factors influencing ageing well amongst older New Zealand men: A study of urban and rural areas of Otago and Southland Regions
Primary supervisor: Professor David Baxter
Tim Wang
PhD awarded.
Exploring the effects of sustained glenohumeral glides on scapular and shoulder muscle activity in patients with subacromial pain
Primary supervisor: Associate Professor Daniel Ribeiro
Sarah Walker
Supporting allied health professionals in rural areas
Primary supervisor: Dr Ewan Kennedy
Cliff Waller
The hemiparetic knee: structure and function.
Primary supervisor: Professor Leigh Hale
Gillian Watson
Exploring physiotherapists' perspective of recruitment and retention within Te Whatu Ora.
Read more about Gillian Watson
Primary supervisor: Associate Professor Meredith Perry