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What is long COVID?

Most acute COVID‑19 infections resolve after 4 weeks. In some people symptoms persist beyond this time and this condition is termed long COVID.

Long COVID is estimated to affect approximately 10 per cent of those who contract the acute COVID-19 virus. Those who develop it may have been in hospital with acute COVID or may have had very mild symptoms and not even needed to see their doctor.

The range of symptoms associated with long COVID is large and, because we are still learning about long COVID, it can sometimes be overlooked or misdiagnosed.

This page has primarily been developed for people who have, or think they might have, long COVID. The aim of the page is to provide people with good quality resources and information to enable them to learn more about their condition. This website also details some of the ongoing advocacy and research work we are doing from the School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago.

The Long COVID Physio association has an introductory video about long COVID on their website:

Video: What is long COVID? – Long COVID Physio

Our role and work

Our role is one of awareness, advocacy and support with managing long COVID. Our team is working to develop support and research in the area of long COVID.

We are committed to providing up-to-date quality resources, which are easily accessible to those living with the condition. The page will be monitored and updated regularly.

Physiotherapy advocacy:

"Physiotherapy in the Management of Long COVID: Preparing for the Rising Tide" Sarah Rhodes, Guest Editorial, New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy, July 2022.

"Could Physio be the solution to long COVID?" Seven Sharp

Ongoing research:

In August 2022 we will begin a project looking at the essential elements of a long COVID clinic. We will prioritise this project from the perspective of people living with long COVID.

Exploring the essential elements of a long COVID Clinic.
Dr Sarah Rhodes, Dr Mona Jeffreys, Dr Lynne Russell, Dr Lis Ellison-Loschmann, Dr Fiona McKenzie, Ms Jenene Crossan, Dr Sharon Leitch, Ms Angelina Tuialii
HRC Activation Grant 2022

Patient-focused resources

Long term effects of COVID-19

Post-COVID Conditions | CDC

Long COVID | Your COVID Recovery

Self-management resources

WHO/Europe | Disability and rehabilitation - Support for rehabilitation: self-management after COVID-19-related illness, 2nd ed

Fatigue management

An information booklet to help manage chronic fatigue brought on by COVID‑19 | Sheffield Hallam University (

Long COVID podcasts

Both podcast series have been developed by people living with long COVID for people living with long COVID. They include personal insights and experiences of their journey plus interviews with health professionals living and working with long COVID.

Podcast — Long COVID Physio

If you have any queries:

Sarah Rhodes image 2xDr Sarah Rhodes

Sarah Rhodes holds a BSc(Hons) from the University of Northumbria in Newcastle (England) and completed her PhD at the School of Physiotherapy, where she works as a Lecturer.

Sarah is secretary of the Physiotherapy New Zealand Cardio-Respiratory Special Interest Group and the Allied Health representative on the Thoracic Society (TSANZ) New Zealand executive committee. She sits on the Executive Committee of the New Zealand branch of the Thoracic Society (TSANZ), as the Allied Health representative; she promotes the physiotherapy profession among medical colleagues and helps ensure a physiotherapy voice in nationwide respiratory initiatives.

Read more about Sarah's work and the work of the cardio respiratory team.

The team

Sarah is part of a team of people working to support people with long term conditions.

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