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Exploring Samoan stroke survivors' views and perspectives about the meaning and value of physical activity

An aiga of four Samoan adults in a group hug, with palm trees visible in the backgroundOur study aims to explore Samoan stroke survivors’ beliefs and perspectives about the meaning and value of physical activity. We hope to understand how stroke affects Samoans’ perception of and participation in physical activity by inviting Samoan stroke survivors and their aiga to talanoa about the experiences.

The student researcher, Eliana Viali, is a Samoan physiotherapist from the villages of Moto’otua, and Ululoloa. She was raised in Samoa and practiced as a physiotherapist for 4.5 years in Apia before moving to Dunedin in 2024 to further her studies. Her parents are Asiata Professor Dr Satupaitea Viali (Vaimoso, Saleimoa, Fogapoa) and Sialei Okesene Viali (Otara i Niu Sila, Fogapoa, Vaie’e).

Participating in the study


You may be able to participate if:

  • You are Samoan and have had a stroke
  • You are 18+ years old
  • You are living in New Zealand
  • You can speak English and/or Samoan
  • You do not have a severe communication impairment where you are unable to hold a conversation

What you will be asked to do

If you are interested to participate, you will be invited along with your aiga to talanoa for 45–90 minutes with a student researcher about your experience with stroke and physical activity.

Discussions at the talanoa will cover the following topics:

  • Your experience with physical activity
  • What motivates you and prevents you from participating in physical activity
  • How health professionals can support meaningful engagement in physical activity

You will complete a short questionnaire about your age, ethnicity, stroke, level of physical activity, and your perceived level of disability.

You will be invited to reflect, comment, and provide feedback on the initial findings via zoom or email: this should take between 20–45 minutes.

A meaalofa (gift of $50 supermarket voucher) will be provided to you and your aiga at the end of the talanoa as a token of gratitude for all that has been shared.

Detailed information on the study is available via our participant information sheet.

Participant information sheet – Samoan stroke survivors (PDF)

Contact us

If you want to know more about the study or have any questions, please contact:

Eliana Viali (student researcher)
Mob +64 290 224 6757

Study lead: Dr Ally Calder (primary supervisor)

Ethics number: H24/029

More about our work

This study is part of a programme of work which explores physical activity health messaging for people living with neurological conditions.

Physical activity health messaging for men living with long term conditions and disability

Our goal is to co-create meaningful health messages that inspire and empower people living with neurological conditions to participate in physical activity and build health capacity to live well.

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