A study investigating the brain changes and activity patterns in painful knee osteoarthritis (KOA) compared to healthy individuals.
What is the study about?
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether any changes in brain activity exists when compared to healthy individuals without pain. Also, we are interested to explore whether such changes in brain activity are linked to your knee pain and functional levels. This study will bring a better understanding of the role of brain activity changes in KOA pain and will help researchers design and investigate new treatment strategies to normalize brain activity for the management of persistent joint pain in people with KOA.
Am I eligible for the study?
We are recruiting two groups of people for this study: those with KOA (knee pain group) and those without KOA (healthy control group)
Knee pain group
You are eligible to participate if:
- Aged between 45 to 85 years old
- Have received a diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis by a health practitioner
- Suffering from chronic knee pain (>3 months) due to osteoarthritis.
You will be screened by a member of the research team either by phone or by email to determine your eligibility to participate in this study. Or you can complete the screening questionnaire.
See the information sheet for further details of the study procedure.
Healthy control group
You are eligible to participate if:
- Aged between 44 to 85 years old, without any pain conditions.
- Please complete the screening questionnaire.
- See the information sheet for further details of the study procedure.
What will I be asked to do?
Attend a 90-minute session to complete a series of questionnaires enquiring about your background; knee pain; sleep; physical activity and psychological status.
- Your brain activity will be recorded using an electrode cap.
- Respond to simple sensory tests (e.g. pressure, touch, and cold) and perform functional tasks.
- A follow-up after four weeks to complete a brief online or telephone survey.
To recognize the actual or reasonable costs involved with participating in this project, all participants will be reimbursed $50 for completing the survey and for attending the testing session.
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Health and Disability Ethics Committee (DEC). Reference: 21/CEN/63
I am eligible and interested, what do I do next?
Please complete the relevant screening questionnaire for your group (see above 'Am i eligible for this study?')
You also have the option to be screened by the researcher by phone or by email to determine your eligibility to participate in the study.
Call: 0800 687 489 or email: clinicalreserach.physio@otago.ac.nz
Do you have any further queries?
Please contact Dr. Ramakrishnan Mani or Mr. Jerin Mathew
Primary investigator: ramakrishnan.mani@otago.ac.nz
Co-ordinating investigator: jerin.mathew@postgrad.otago.ac.nz