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This study aims to investigate the experiences of people with stroke, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease about their experiences regarding assessment and management received for urine leakage incontinence within the NZ health care system. By finding out more we hope to improve care for this condition.

We are seeking 30 people with stroke, Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis who had or currently have urine leakage. You should also have some experience of discussing or getting some help from a health professional for a bladder problem. Participants should be able to communicate in English.

To cover the costs of attending we will offer you a $40 dollars voucher.

To read more about participant in the study see our dedicated participant information sheet.


The study is led by Daniela Aldabe from the School of Physiotherapy,

[This project has been reviewed and approved by the University of Otago Human Ethics Committee, (Health). Reference: 22/038]

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