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We are seeking to explore physiotherapists' experiences of their role in sports-related concussion recognition and management and their perspectives of potential expanded roles.

We are seeking 15-20 New Zealand-registered physiotherapists involved in management of patients with concussion, and of a range of ethnicities, post-graduate qualification, age groups, sports team involvement (if any) and geographic location.

Participants will be invited to attend one focus group meeting, to be held mid-April to May. To read more about this study, see our Participant Information sheet/consent for more information.

If you are willing to participate, please complete this brief survey. Be completing the survey, you consent to a research team member to contact you to confirm your eligibility.

Download the information sheet for this study (PDF)

Contact Details

Mya Dalton OR
Prof. Gisela Sole at , Tel: 03-4797466

This study is part of the Physiotherapy honours programme. Mya is supervised by Gisela Sole.

This project has been reviewed and approved by the University of Otago Human Ethics Committee (Ethics approval number D23/046)

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