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ResWeekConcDate: Thursday 24th Nov 3:30 – 6:00
Venue: Room 1.02, School of Physiotherapy
Led by: Prof John Sullivan (School of Physiotherapy) John is a member of the South Island Brain Injury Research Group (SIBIRG).

The purpose of this seminar is to bring together researchers, medical professionals, service providers and sport administrators to share research and clinical knowledge to better understand and support those players with a sport related concussion.


Part 1: What our research team is doing

- Short research summaries by researchers/students from across the University

Part 2: What's happening in Dunedin - Networking and sharing

-Short presentations by sports bodies, service providers and health professionals on what is happening around Dunedin

Summary and social networking

- A great chance to chat and exchange ideas.

For further information, contact:

John Sullivan Ph. 479 5429
Donna Keen Ph. 479 4053

Further details will follow in early November

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