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A Minor subject is an optional lesser specialisation in a subsidiary subject—complementing the major subject in a degree programme, and generally involving a separate set of papers worth a total of 90 points.

Physiology is available as a minor subject for the following degrees:

Level Papers Points

The prerequisites for PHSL 231, 232, and 233 are:

HUBS 191 Human Body Systems 1

HUBS 192 Human Body Systems 2

Plus two of:
BIOC 192 Foundations of Biochemistry,
CELS 191 Cell and Molecular Biology,
CHEM 191 The Chemical Basis of Biology and Human Health,
PHSI 191 Biological Physics


PHSL 231 Neurophysiology

PHSL 232 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology

PHSL 233 Cellular, Gastrointestinal and Renal Physiology





Two of:
PHSL 341 Cellular and Molecular Neurophysiology,
PHSL 342 Integrative Neurophysiology,
PHSL 343 Cellular and Epithelial Physiology,
PHSL 344 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology,
PHSL 345 Physiological Aspects of Health and Disease.


Total 90
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