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A reflection on some challenges in the conduct of fieldwork (PDF, 274KB)
Syrus Islam
Auckland University of Technology

Conceptualizing integrated thinking in practice (PDF, 309KB)
Nuradhi Jayasiri
University of Otago PhD student

Corporate accountability and human rights in MNCs in Asia: A case study approach (PDF, 915KB)
Jiali Ma and Dr Sriyalatha Kumarasinghe
University of Otago

Healthcare managers' inclination to adopt management accounting tools: A panel data set-theoretic research (PDF, 331KB)
Dagou Hermann Wenceslas Dagou
University of Felix Houphouët-Boigny

Konan Anderson Seny Kan
University of Otago

Living with unrealistic performance targets (PDF, 274KB)
Syrus Islam
Auckland University of Technology

Proposition of an enhanced model on institutionalization of management accounting practices (PDF, 312KB)
J.K. Padmasiri
Postgraduate Institute of Management

Dr Roshan Ajward
University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Social capital and budgeting in a local church (PDF, 321KB)
Denise Frost
Umesh Sharma
Stewart Lawrence

University of Waikato

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