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David Jenkins imageBA(Birmingham) MSc DPhil(London)

David Jenkins is a Senior Lecturer in political theory. He was previously a postdoctoral researcher in the philosophy department at the University of Warwick (2017–2020), and before that was a Teaching Fellow at UCL (2016–2017).

In 2015 he was the Krzysztof Michalski Junior Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. Before becoming pursuing a career in academia David worked in London, UK as a civil servant in housing.

He has published on the work of James Baldwin and Jose Saramago, issues of solidarity within both ideal and non-ideal theory, the limits of the value of reciprocity, aesthetics in urban environments, as well as a number of papers on unconditional basic income.

His current work focuses on sociality within urban experiences, the concept of partisanship (with an emphasis on the Communist Party India (Marxist) in Kerala) and homelessness and housing rights. He is currently co-editing a book on social rights (with Kimberley Brownlee and Adam Neal) that is due out from Oxford University Press next year.

He has supervised Bachelors and Masters dissertations on a wide range of topics including unconditional basic income, religious toleration, Marxism and immigration. His teaching interests traverse both contemporary political theory and the history of modern political thought, and he is happy to supervise students in subjects related to either of these fields.

He particularly welcomes dissertations on themes of housing, political parties and unconditional basic income.


  • POLS 110 Political Ideas in Action
  • POLS 244 Political Theory: Basic Problems
  • POLS 501 The 'Political': Theory and Practice

Contact details

Room 4N8, 4th floor, Arts (Burns) Building


Jenkins, D. (2025). Gentrification as domination. Critical Review of International Social & Political Philosophy, 28(2), 188-214. doi: 10.1080/13698230.2022.2119523 Journal - Research Article

Jenkins, D., & Ram, L. (2024). Populist abmivalence. In J. C. Chennattuserry, M. Deshpande & P. Hong (Eds.), Encyclopedia of new populism and responses in the 21st century. (pp. 810-815). Singapore: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-7802-1 Chapter in Book - Research

Jenkins, D. (2024). Ambiguities of associations: James Baldwin and the case of the nation of Islam. American Political Thought, 13(2), 189-214. doi: 10.1086/729561 Journal - Research Article

Jenkins, D. (2024, February). The populist critique of 'corrupted' representative claim-making. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Political Studies Association, Te Kāhui Tātai Tōngorapū o Aotearoa (NZPSA/TKTToA) 2023/24 Annual Conference: The Rising Pacific, Auckland, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Jenkins, D. (2024). Mono no aware: How conservatives should do change. Res Publica, 30, 341-360. doi: 10.1007/s11158-023-09629-9 Journal - Research Article

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