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A postgraduate research opportunity at the University of Otago.


Close date
Sunday, 27 February 2022
Academic background
Sciences, Health Sciences
Host campus
Pathology and Biomedical Science (Christchurch)
Professor Mark Hampton


Portimine, discovered by the Cawthron Institute in Nelson, is a compound produced by some marine algae. Previous research in our laboratory and others has shown that portimine is a potent inhibitor of cancer cell growth. We now want to understand how portimine is working.

The student will culture various cancer cell lines in the laboratory, and use microscopy and flow cytometry to monitor the effects of portimine and closely-related compounds on cell proliferation and viability. Proteomic methods will be used to identify the primary targets of portimine. The research will be undertaken in collaboration with chemists at the Cawthron Institute and the University of Auckland.

Preferred student expertise:

Cell biology, biochemistry, pharmacology or related area.

Further information:

This is one of a number of projects on offer for the 2022 intake of BBiomedSc(Hons) at the University of Otago, Christchurch campus.


Professor Mark Hampton

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