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Kalimpong Kids: The New Zealand story, in pictures

In the early 20th century, 130 young Anglo-Indians were sent to New Zealand in an organised immigration scheme from Kalimpong, in the Darjeeling district of India. They were the mixed-race children of British tea planters and local women, and were placed as workers with New Zealand families from the Far North to Southland.

Past Caring? Women, work and emotion

Past Caring? Women, work and emotion Edited by Barbara Brookes, Jane McCabe and Angela Wanhalla Otago University Press. Are women past caring? Care is essential to social relationships and individual well-being. It is woven into New Zealand’s key social institutions, such as the family, and is also embedded in societal expectations around state provision of health and welfare. Care is so vital, in fact, that it is often taken for granted and goes unnoticed and unrewarded.

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