Interested in purchasing back issues of Landfall?
Are there gaping holes in your precious Landfall collection? Augment your library with early issues of 'the most important and long-lasting journal in New Zealand's literature'.
Historical issues of Landfall for sale at bargain prices:
- Issues 001–200 $5 each
- Issues 201–225 $10 each
- Issues 226–247 $30 each
- Issues 248 onwards $35 each
Note: Some issues unavailable, and limited numbers of others: first in, first served
Postage is $1.50 per issue, multiple issues may attract parcel rates, email to place your order.
Landfall is available in digital format (PDF) from Landfall 228 onwards: click on the link below for the issue you wish to buy. Note that the electronic format is not available until about six months after initial publication.