The Student Conduct Statute 2021 contains the Code of Conduct, which applies to all students both on and off campus.
The purpose of the Statute is to promote the University's academic aims and a sense of community through the cultivation of mutual respect, tolerance and understanding.
University of Otago Code of Student Conduct
Read this section in te reo Māori
The purpose of the Code of Student Conduct is to promote the University's academic aims and a sense of community through the cultivation of mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. To this end, the University expects that students will not engage in behaviours that endanger their own or others' safety and wellbeing.
Students are expected to conform to the standards contained in this Code of Student Conduct off campus as well as on campus.
The University reserves the right to pursue through its disciplinary procedures matters that are also being, or may also be, addressed by the legal system or under the University's Ethical Behaviour Policy processes.
Requirements of student conduct
The basic rules of conduct require that no student shall:
- unreasonably disrupt any teaching, study or research or the administration of the University either wilfully or by engaging in conduct which ought reasonably to have been foreseen would cause disruption;
- wilfully obstruct any member or employee of the University in academic work or in the performance of duties;
- wilfully misuse, damage or deface, steal or wrongfully convert to the student's own use any property of the University or of any member of the University;
- wilfully acquire by theft or deception the benefits of any service provided by the University or any academic advantage;
- engage in actions that:
- amount to sexual misconduct as defined by the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Ethical Behaviour Policy; or
- amount to assault or which result in, or can be reasonably expected to result in, harm to a person or persons; or
- are unreasonably disruptive to other members of the University or the local community; or
- result in, or can be reasonably expected to result in, damage to property of any person; or
- are otherwise unlawful;
- threaten, intimidate, abuse or harass another person or group, including by electronic means and including in relation to matters of race or any other prohibited ground of discrimination under the Human Rights Act 1993;
- organise or participate in an event in the nature of an initiation that requires or can be reasonably regarded as pressuring a person into:
- the use of alcohol or drugs, including cigarettes and vaping products; and/or
- the undertaking of unlawful activities; and/or
- the undertaking of activities that carry risk of harm to a person or property.
- fail to comply with the proper directives of a University Official, including refusing to identify oneself;
- lie to, or misrepresent information to, the University or any University official;
- fail without good reason to co-operate with the University's disciplinary procedures;
- fail without reasonable cause to comply with any penalty imposed under this Student Conduct Statute;
- be party to or attempt to commit an act of misconduct as set out in the foregoing rules.
Staying safe and well
Read this section in te reo Māori
Your years at Otago will be life-changing. You will gain knowledge and skills, make new friends and learn to live independently. While having fun and trying new experiences will be the cornerstone of your time as a student, it is important to keep yourself and others safe.
As part of our responsibility to keep all members of the University community safe, the University has a Code of Student Conduct. The Code is a set of common-sense rules that prohibit disruptive, threatening, violent, deceptive, discriminatory and otherwise unlawful behaviour. Activities that are likely to endanger your own or others' safety will not be tolerated.
The University relies on Campus Watch to help us maintain a safe and healthy campus and to ensure that the provisions of the Code are observed. The Campus Watch teams are out and about on campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They work hard to make sure that you and the rest of the University community are safe. They provide advice on how to stay out of trouble and they will help you be part of the Dunedin community.
The Code of Student Conduct is part of the University Student Conduct Statute. The Statute aims to promote safety and wellbeing through encouraging mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. But where called for, the Statute gives the University the power to fine and impose community service penalties for offences committed on or off campus and for serious misconduct to suspend or exclude students from the University. The Statute also requires suspected student misconduct to be investigated fairly. A tikanga-led process is also available in suitable cases.
Here are some of the behaviours that put you at serious risk of facing exclusion from the University for a semester or more:
- Any form of physical or sexual assault, sexual misconduct, harassment, or racism.
All members of the University community have the absolute right to be safe and free from harm or intimidation in their interactions with others. This right includes interactions that take place in person or via electronic media. The University will not tolerate harassment or racism of any kind. All sexual interactions must have freely-given consent. Please keep in mind that a person who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or other substances cannot provide consent. Situations where members of Campus Watch are obstructed or assaulted will be viewed very seriously. - Organising or participating in any initiation event or ceremony that jeopardises your fellow students' wellbeing, personal, physical or emotional safety, or encourages breaking the law.
Organising or participating in initiations requiring the consumption of alcohol or the use of any drug are strictly forbidden. The statement by any student that they willingly participated will not excuse the organisers of responsibility. - Any offence relating to fires and “couch burning”.
If you are caught lighting or trying to light a fire illegally, or adding rubbish to a fire, this will be treated as a serious breach of the Code. - Throwing or breaking bottles.
If you throw bottles at anyone, including fellow students, the Police, Campus Watch or members of the Fire Service, expect to be in serious trouble. Deliberate breaking of bottles and glass will be punished; broken glass is hazardous to feet and tyres. - Forging documents and signatures.
Do not be tempted to alter official forms illegally or to forge signatures. This amounts to fraud and can have serious consequences.
During your time at university it is important that you understand the consequences of the risks you take, including drinking and drug use. The reality is that excessive use of alcohol or drugs may result in physical injury, sexual misconduct, brain damage, involvement with the Courts, or harm to others. Intoxication does not excuse offensive or criminal behaviour. If you are concerned about your binge drinking or drug use, confidential medical and counselling help is available through the University's Student Health Service:
Additional Information
Read this section in te reo Māori
The University of Otago Student Conduct Stature 2021 – Section 11 allows for a tikanga-led process.
The policy advises:
11. Tikanga-led process
11.1. A tikanga-led process is available in suitable cases. Such process involves the facilitation of an open exchange of views aimed at achieving outcomes which are mana-enhancing and accepted as appropriate by all parties.
11.2. Information on the tikanga-led process will be made available to all students found to have breached the Code of Student Conduct. Where a student wishes to have a matter responded to through a tikanga-led process it shall be referred to the Kaitohutohu Māori to determine whether the process is suitable in the circumstances.
11.3. Where the Kaitohutohu Māori determines that a tikanga-led process is to be followed, the matter shall be addressed under that process.
11.4. The tikanga-led process is guided by the Kaitohutohu Māori (or nominee) who has responsibility for all aspects of the process. The process may be led in Te Reo Māori or English.
11.5. The student who has committed the breach must participate as required by the Kaitohutohu Māori. Any member of the University community who is a victim of the breach shall be entitled to an opportunity to participate in person or by written submission as they chose. All such participants have the right to be supported by whānau. The Proctor or, on the Proctor's referral, the Provost (or their nominees) are also entitled to participate.
11.6. Wherever possible, the appropriate response to a breach will be determined by the consensus of those participating in the tikanga-led process. Where that is achieved no other penalty shall be imposed under this Statute. Where consensus is unable to be reached, the Kaitohutohu Māori (or nominee) shall refer the matter back to the Proctor, Provost or Vice-Chancellor as appropriate for consideration to be given to the imposition of a penalty under this Statute.
11.7. Breaches of the Code of Student Conduct which are resolved under the tikanga Māori processes will be identified in annual reporting to the Council under clause 15 of this Statute.
Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka Tikaka Whanoka ā-Tauira
Ko te whāika o te Tikaka Whanoka ā-Tauira ko te whakatairaka i kā whāika mātauraka o te Whare Wānaka me te tūka pakihiwitahitaka o te hapori mā te tiritiri i te kauanuanu, i te manawanui, ā, i te kākau mōhio hoki. Nā reira, ko te tūmanako o te Whare Wānaka ka kore e pērā rāia te kino o kā whanoka o kā tauira e mōrearea ai tō rātou ao, te ao rānei o takata kē.
Ko te tūmanako nui nei ka whai kā tauira i kā ture kai tēnei Tikaka Whanoka ā-Tauira ahakoa kai te papa taurima o te Whare Wānaka rātau, ahakoa kai wāhi kē atu rānei.
Ka pupuri te Whare Wānaka i te mana, nā āhana tikaka arowhanoka, ki te whai i kā take kai te tirohia, ka tirohia rānei, e te pūnaha ture, e te tukaka rānei o te Kaupapa Here Whanoka Matatika o te Whare Wānaka.
Kā Tikaka o kā Whanoka ā-Tauira
Ka here te tauira ki ēnei ture whanoka matua e whai nei kia kauraka tētahi tauira e:
- whakapōrearea kutikuti ana te mahi whakaako, te akoraka, te rakahau, kā whakahaereka rānei o te Whare Wānaka, ahakoa he mahi pokerenoa rānei, ahakoa nā te mahi rānei i tētahi mahi e matapae ana ka whakararu, ka whakapōrearea i tētahi;
- whakapōrearea pokerenoa i tētahi, i ētahi rānei o kā kiritaki, o kā kaimahi rānei o te Whare Wānaka i āhana mahi pūmātauraka, i ērā atu rānei o āhana mahi;
- raukoti pokerenoa ana, e mahi kino ana, e kōpeka ana, e whānako ana, e whakamahi pokanoa ana rānei i kā rawa ake o te Whare Wānaka, o tētahi o kā kiritaki o te Whare Wānaka rānei;
- riro takakino ana nā te tāhae, nā te mahi māmika rānei kā hua o tētahi o kā ratoka o te Whare Wānaka, nā te huaka mātauraka rānei;
- e whai wāhi ana ki kā mahi ka:
- rite ki te taitōkai ko whakamāramahia atu ki te Kaupapa Here Taitōkai, te Kaupapa Here Whanoka Matatika hoki;
- rite ki te patu takata rānei, ka hua mai, ka matapae rānei i te huaka mai o te mamae, o te whara ka pā ki tētahi, ki ētahi tākata rānei;
- whakapōrearea kino nei i ērā atu kiritaki o te Whare Wānaka, o te hapori whānui rānei;
- hua mai, ka matapae rānei i te huaka mai o te whakamōtītaka rawa o tētahi takata ahakoa ko wai;
- whati i kā ture;
- kapatau atu, e whakawehi atu, e tūkino atu, e whakatīwheta atu i tētahi atu takata, i tētahi huka rānei, tae noa atu ki te tukuka ā-matihiko, ā, tae noa atu hoki ki kā kaupapa e hākai ana ki te momo iwi, ki tētahi atu momo whakahāwea pokanoa o raro i te Ture Mōtika Takata 1993;
- whakarite, ā, ka whai wāhi rānei ki tētahi kaupapa pērā i te kau paepae ko tonoa toutia, ko uruhia rānei tētahi takata ki te:
- kai i te whakapōauau, te inu rānei i te waipiro, tae noa ki kā hikareti, ki te haurehu rānei;
- te whai wāhi ki ngā mahi whati ture
- te mahi i tētahi mahi e mamae ana pea te takata, e raru ana pea te rawa o tētahi.
- huri tuarā ki kā whakahau tika o tētahi o kā kiriāwhina o te Whare Wānaka, tae noa atu ki te huna i tōhona ake tuakiri;
- rūkahu, e aweke rānei i kā kōrero ki te Whare Wānaka, ki tētahi kiriāwhina o te Whare Wānaka rānei;
- huri tuarā ana ki te kore hoki he take tika ōhona ki kā tohutohu o te tukaka arowhanoka o te Whare Wānaka
- huri tuarā ana, ki te kore hoki he take tika ōhona ki te whakatutuki i te whakawhiuka ko tukuna ki a ia ki raro i te Ture Arowhanoka;
- noho ki tētahi huka poke, e kana ana rānei ki te whakahīaka i kā ture e whai nei.
Te noho haumaru, te noho ora
Ko ō tau ki te Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, he mea whakahuri i tō ao. Ka whai mātauraka, ka whai pūkeka, ka whakahoahoa ki takata hou, ā, ka ako ki te noho motuhake. Ka tū ko te pārekareka, ko te roko i kā wheako hou he pou mahara mōhou i a koe e noho ana hai tauira, he mātuatua te noho haumaru ōhou, te noho haumaru hoki o ērā atu.Hai wāhaka o ō mātau haepapa tāwharau i kā tākata katoa o te hapori o te Whare Wānaka, he Tikaka Whanoka ā-Tauira tā te Whare Wānaka nei. Ko te tikaka nei he ture atamai e whakarāhuitia ana kā whanoka tauwhati, kā whanoka kapatau, kā whanoka nukarau, kā whanoka aukati me kā mahi katoa hoki e whati ana i te ture. E kore rāia e rata ki kā kaupapa, ki kā mahi e whakararu ana, e whakamōrearea ana te noho haumaru o tētahi atu.
E whirinaki ana te Whare Wānaka ki te Tautiaki Papa Taurima kia haumaru tou ai, kia ora tou ai te papa taurima, ā, kia mātua whakarite te ūtaka atu ki kā mātāpono o te Tikaka Whanoka. Ao, pō, ao, pō, hai ia rā o te wiki e puta ana kā āpihā o te Tautiaki Papa Taurima. Ka whakapau kaha rātau kia haumaru ai koe, kia ora ai hoki te hapori o te Whare Wānaka. Ka tohua koe kia kauraka koe e tūpono atu ki te kino, ā, ka āwhina koe hoki ki te uru ora mai hai kirirarau o te hapori o Ōtepoti.
Ko te Tikaka Whanoka ā-Tauira he wāhaka o te Ture Arowhanoka o te Whare Wānaka. Ko te whāika o te Ture ko te whakatairaka i te haumaru me te hauora mā te tiritiri i te kauanuanu, i te manawanui, ā, i te kākau mōhio hoki. Ekari, ina e tika ana mā te Ture ka whai mana te Whare Wānaka ki te whaina me te uruhi i kā whakawhiu whakarato hapori mō kā hara i tū ki te papa taurima ki wāhi kē atu rānei, ā, ki te poke kino nei ka whakairihia, ka panaia rānei i te Whare Wānaka. Mā te Ture anō hoki kā tauira o te whakapaeka poke ā-tauira e āta tika te whakatewhatewha. Kai te Whare Wānaka he tukaka ko arahina e te tikaka hoki ina e tika ana.
Nāia ētahi o kā whanoka ka panaia pea koe i te Whare Wānaka mō tētahi wāhaka, mō tētahi wā roa ake rānei:
- Ahakoa te momo taikaha, pāwhera, tao kupu, kaikiri rānei.
He mōtika o kā kiritaki katoa o te hapori o te Whare Wānaka te noho ora, kia kauraka e roko i te mamae, i te whakawehi i ā rātou tūhonohono ki ētahi atu. Ka toro hoki tēnei mōtika ki kā taunekeneke ā-tinana, ā-ipuraki hoki. Ka kore rāia te Whare Wānaka e rata ki te whakatīwheta, ki te kaikiritaka rānei, ahakoa te momo. Ki kā honoka taihema katoa me whakaae herekore te takata. Tēnā, āta whakaarohia te āhei o te takata ko warea e te whakapōauau, ko hauraki rānei i te waipiro, e kore e taea te tuku i tāhana whakaae. Ko kā tūāhua ka whakataerohia, ka patua rānei kā āpiha o te Tautiaki Papa Taurima ka āta whakatewhatewha. - Ko te whakahaere, ko te whakauru rānei i tētahi kaupapa, i tētahi whakariteka whakatomo ka tunu i te hauora o tētahi, o ētahi rānei o ō hoa ako ā-takata, ā-tinana, ā-whatumanawa rānei, e ākī rānei rātau ki te whati i te ture.
Ko te whakahaere, ko te whakauru rānei i kā whakatomo inu waipiro, kai whakapōauau rānei e kore rāia e whakaae. Ko te tauākī nā kā tauira i whakaae katoa rātou ki te uru ki taua kaupapa ka kore rāia e muru i te hara o kā kaiwhakahaere. - Te hara ahakoa te aha e hākai ana ki te tahu ahi, ki te “tahu hōpa” hoki.
Ki te mau koe e hikaina pokanoatia ana, e kana ana rānei ki te hika pokanoa i te ahi, e whākaia rānei te ahi ki te para, ka pērā rāia te titiro ki tēnei mahi kino nei hai takaka motuhake o te Tikaka. - Te whiu rānei, te whakapakaru rānei i kā pātara karaehe.
Ki te whiu pātara ki tētahi, tae noa ki ō hoa ako, ki kā Pirihimana, ki kā āpiha o te Tautiaki Papa Taurima, ki kā Kaitīnei Ahi rānei, me mōhio mai koe, ka kino rāia te whiuka ka whakawhiwhia ki a koe. Ko te whakapakaru hākune o kā pātara me te karaehe ka whakawhiua; he pūmate nui te karaehe ki te waewae o te takata, ā, ki kā taea hoki. - Te whakatapeha tuhika, te tāwhai waitohu.
Kauraka e whakawaia kia whakatapehatia pokanoatia he tuhika ōkawa, kia tāwhai waitohu rānei. He hara tāware tēnei, ā, nā reira koe e raru rāia ai.
I a koe i te whare wānaka, he mea whakahirahira tō mārama i kā hua o kā mahi whakamōrearea, tae noa atu ki te inu waipiro me te kai whakapōauau. E tika ana mā te kaha inu i te waipiro, mā te kaha kai i te whakapōauau ka tūpono pea koe ki te wharaka ā-tinana, ki te taitōkai, ki te wharaka ā-roro, ka tū rānei ki te aroaro o kā Kōti, ka whara rānei a tētahi atu. Ehara te hauraki, te wairaki rānei i te takuka ki kā whanoka kino, ki kā whanoka taihara. Ki te māharahara koe ki te mōrurururu o tō inu waipiro, o tō kai whakapōauau, tēnā, he ratoka hauora matatika, he ratoka tohutohu e wātea ana ki a koe mā te Ratoka Hauora o te Tauira o te Whare Wānaka.
Kōrero Āpitihaka
Ko te Ture Whanoka ā-Tauria o Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka 2021 – Wāhaka 11 ka whakaae ki te tukaka ko ārahi i te tikaka.
Ko tā te tohutohu o te kaupapa here:
11. Tukaka ko arahina e te tikaka
11.1. I te tūāhua e tika ana kai a Te Whare Wānaka tētahi tukaka ko arahina e te tikaka. Ki taua momo tukaka ka whai wāhi te whakariteka o te whakawhitiwhitika whakaaro, ko te whāika ōhona, ko te whakatutuki putaka e whai mana ana, e whakaaetia hokitia ana e te katoa o te huka whaipāka.
11.2. Ko kā kōrero mō te tukaka ko arahina e te tikaka ka tukuna ki kā tauira katoa ko takahi i te Tikaka Whanoka ā-Tauira. Hai te wā e pīraki ana te tauira te tukaka ko arahina e te tikaka e whai, ka tukuna ki te Kaitohutohu Māori, māna te whakatau ina e tika ana te tūāhua e whakaritea ai te tukaka.
11.3. Ina e whakatau ai te Kaitohutohu Māori he tika te whai i te tukaka ko arahina e te tikaka, ka whāia toutia taua tukaka.
11.4. Mā te Kaitohutohu Māori (mā tāhana tautapa rānei) te tukaka ko arahina e te tikaka e arataki, māhana te haepapa ki kā āhuataka katoa o te tukaka. E whakaae ana mā te reo Māori, mā te reo Pākehā rānei te tukaka e ārahi.
11.5. Me whai wāhi te tauira nāhana te tikaka i takahi ina e tohua ia e te Kaitohutohu Māori. Ko te kiritaki o te Whare Wānaka, te patuka o te takahaka ahakoa ko wai ia ka whai wāhi hoki ā-tinana, ā-tuhi rānei, māhana taua whakatau. Ahakoa ko wai o aua tākata i kōrerohia, kai te whakaae kia tautokona ia e tōhona whānau. Kai te whakaae hoki kia whai wāhi Te Manu Tāiko ki tēnei tukaka, nā te whakatau rānei o Te Manu Tāiko, ko te Tumu Whakahere hoki (tāhana tautapa rānei) e whai wāhi ki tēnei tukaka.
11.6. Ina e taea ana, ko te urupare tika ki tētahi takahaka ka whakatauria e te whakaaetaka o te katoa ko whai wāhi ki te tukaka ko arahina e te tikaka. Hai te wā ko tutuki pai te tukaka, ko tā te Ture, kāore he hāmene anō ka utaina atu. Ina e kore e whakaae te katoa, ā, ina e tika ana hoki, mā te Kaitohutohu Māori (tāhana tautapa rānei) te take e whakahoki atu ki te Manu Tāiko, ki te Tumu Whakahere, ki te Tumu Whakarae rānei mā rātou te hāmene e whakatau i raro i kā tohutohu o te ture.
11.7. Ko kā whatika o te Tikaka Whanoka ā-Tauira ko whakaea nā te tukaka tikaka Māori ka tautohua ki te pūroko ā-tau ki te Kaunihera ki te whiti 15 o tēnei Ture.