Albert Green
Octogenarian Albert Green has recently completed his fourth DipGrad and has no plans to stop there. He also has a postgraduate diploma and two master's degrees, all undertaken since he gained university entrance at the age of 59.
The DipGrads – completed in 1994, 1997, 1998 and 2009 - have enabled Albert to pursue an almost insatiable desire for new knowledge. He accumulated them mostly through part-time study at a rate of three papers per year - one each semester and at Summer School.
He chose his papers at random from several departments within the Humanities to reflect his particular areas of interest at the time, although he says his real love is history.
"There have been times I have struggled with entirely new concepts, but these studies have opened wider horizons for me.
"I have been exposed to new ideas and new knowledge that have challenged life-long, and now outdated, prejudices."
Albert's study has been entirely for interest and he would strongly recommend the experience, particularly to those who are retired and have the time to explore areas of curiosity and want to keep up to date with what is happening in the world today.