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Alexandra Tidy
Alexandra Tidy
National Marketing and Global Project Manager, Drake International
Studying for a Master of Business Administration

Distance learning is enabling Alexandra Tidy to achieve her professional goals while still staying on top of work and family commitments.

“As a working mother of two toddlers, it can be quite a balancing act to manage everything with studying on top of it all. But I really wanted to further my education and set the building blocks for the next stage in my career.”Alexandra had wanted to study for an MBA for at least a decade.“As a woman passionate about business, I had climbed the ladder until I reached a point where I needed, and wanted, to learn more in order to progress further.”

After researching various universities, the Otago online MBA was the standout choice for both the quality of its teaching and its flexible structure.

“Not only does the course afford me the convenience of attending class while at home, but I can attend lectures no matter where in the world I am. The online facilities make you feel as though you are in a classroom setting, and the practical experience of the lecturers as well as your fellow students means that you are learning from everyone.“

When life gets in the way, I can take a break from one paper and continue on after some downtime. With that flexibility, how could I not make it work?”

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