Anna Carey
Postgraduate Diploma in Health Management 2010
“My Postgraduate Diploma in Health Management has enabled me to progress my career. The combination of the Public Health Papers at University of Otago and the MBA papers at University of Canterbury provided me with a range of skills I have continued to use both in management and hands-on nursing”.
Anna is a registered nurse with a Bachelor of Nursing. She commenced the PGDipHealMgt while a Nurse Manager at an Aged Care Facility and after completing, became a client manager for a Designated Health Audit Agency coordinating the audits of District Health Boards throughout the country against the Health and Disability Services Standards. During this time Anna also worked as an auditor of Aged Residential Care facilities.
Anna now works for the South Island Alliance Programme Office (SIAPO), an alliance of the five South Island District Health Boards, as an Aged Care Monitoring Auditor.
Her study has assisted her in this role which involves analysis of evidence submitted by Aged Care service providers to verify their progress in meeting both contractual requirements and the Health and Disability Services Standards.
At this point in her career Anna sees the value in continuing her postgraduate study and is enrolled to complete her master's.