Health Sciences First Year can lead to a range of career outcomes, but video analyst for the Waikato/Bay of Plenty Magic netball team isn't the first one that springs to mind!
Anna Skelton knew that she wanted to come to Otago even before she was sure of what she wanted to study. She completed her first year and then moved into Physical Education from her second year.
“I really enjoyed the biomechanics side of things and the physiology. The Exercise Science major had smaller classes too, so I figured there'd be fewer of us competing for jobs at the end of our study!”
Anna completed her Bachelor of Physical Education (Honours) in Exercise Science just last year, researching the differences in styles of play between the New Zealand Silver Ferns and Australian Diamonds as her honours project.
“My video analysis honours project was great preparation for what I've been doing this year in the Bay of Plenty. I've been providing video analysis for the Waikato/Bay of Plenty Magic, and I'll be providing the same service for the Bay of Plenty provincial team for the rest of the season. I run coaching sessions at schools, and as Player Development officer I'm involved in selection and training of emerging players as well. I love it!”
Video analysis is quite a new tool in professional teams' arsenal, and the skills needed are highly sought-after, so Anna is confident she'll be able to pick up work in a range of sporting codes. For now though, she's very happy working at Netball Bay of Plenty, enjoying coaching a school team and playing a bit of netball herself.
Anna really enjoyed the hands-on practical learning she did at Otago's Phys Ed school. The skills she learned in labs, on camp and out in schools have been invaluable to her in her new job.