Berenice Torres
From: Vina del Mar, Chile
Studying: University of Otago Language Centre, General English
Berenice wanted to improve her English for her job but she did not have much time for studying. She wanted to come to a country where English was the main language spoken.
“I was working in a copper mine as a chemical engineer and it was very busy all the time. I decided to take time to come to New Zealand to study English.
Dunedin is clean and safe. It has beautiful gardens and different places for walking. I feel good here. The first time I went to the public library it was wonderful ... so many books and CDs, DVDs and magazines. The university also has many science resources and as my interest is geology I also found research information. The university is comfortable for students as the students are from different countries and cultures. They can share ideas and their minds are more open.
The Language Centre is very comfortable as the people who work there have a friendly disposition. In the first week I got lost but people helped me. The Language Centre language lab is very good for practising listening and pronunciation. Here the teachers really encourage you.
My homestay is very good, very friendly and a similar age to me. When talking about my classes they notice my improvements and in the weekend we go to the beach or visit family. I feel like I can be a part of Kiwi life. I think the homestay is great as not only do I learn English I also learn about the culture which is helpful not only for my job but for learning about cultural situations.
I think the Language Centre will help Chilean people as the facilities are good, you can meet people from many cultures and practise your English all the time.”