Dr Andrea Robinson
Postgraduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine (2013)
I completed my GP vocational training in the United Kingdom in 2007 and less than two years later I had moved to New Zealand. As a rural GP, a high proportion of my patients have occupations involving manual labour. I noticed a large component of my workload involved musculoskeletal problems and pain management. The opportunity to explore these areas in greater depth has been invaluable, both for me and, I hope, my patients. I am a self-professed exercise junkie and, lately, a keen tramper. The module of sports injuries has allowed me to diagnose my aches and pains quite effectively!
Enrolment in further study 6 months after the move to New Zealand wasn't foreseen. However, the ability to work in residential courses, audio conferences and assignments around my work through a distance-learning format held great appeal. I soon found a pace of study that suited me and my lifestyle and completed the Diploma in three years. This was not without its challenges and conflicts, but the University's Blackboard and podcasts of audio conferences meant that no problem was insurmountable and I could happily continue to travel the world!
The decision to take on the Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine has sharpened my clinical skills and introduced more variety and enjoyment in my role as a GP.
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