Gerard Graham
DipGrad in Accounting
As a Finance Business Partner for BNZ, Gerard Graham supports business units to meet their financial plans and prepare for the future.
He took the position after six years in London as a Finance Manager in the insurance industry, which followed four years with an Auckland firm of Chartered Accountants.
Before that he lived 100 paces from one of Dunedin's best-known watering holes, living “a fantastic lifestyle” while studying Accounting at Otago.
So Gerard understands both business and pleasure, and believes you can find the perfect balance at Otago.
“It's a great place to be, not only for the academic education but also for the social life that prepares you for all kinds of different situations.
“There's a great mix of cultures and lots of opportunities to meet people. You can develop skills that will stand you in good stead when it comes to connecting with people at any level.”
The concentrated campus life attracted Gerard from Hawkes Bay. For four years he lived in walking distance of classes.
When he started his Commerce degree he wasn't sure of his speciality.
“I organised it so I could have majored in any one of four different subjects, but by the end of the first year I knew I wanted to do Accounting, and with Otago providing NZICA certified classes, it was an easy choice.”
He followed his BCom with a DipGrad in Accounting and launched into his financial career, where he has gained both CA and CPA professional qualifications.
“Getting that first job entails not being shy about putting yourself out there.
“If you've got the good grades – and you'll need them to get the best positions – then confidence will take you that one step further, and Otago should help you to find that confidence.
“You have to make the most of your time at university. It goes a lot quicker than you might think.