Hannah Forrest has always been interested in science and as she says “If you want to study science in New Zealand you really only have two choices – Otago or Auckland. Once you add in the fact that Otago has this undergraduate programme in Forensic Analytical Science, there was no choice at all – it had to be Otago!”
“I really like the way this course has opened my eyes to what's involved – it's much more analytical and science based rather than opinion – you can't believe those CSI programmes after all….
“We've had a lot of guest speakers who are obviously top of their field worldwide. One guy came whose field of expertise was explosions. It was really cool, loads of chemistry involved – and I really enjoy chemistry! The investigative work post-explosion looks at the source of the explosives, or the location of the bomb-making facility. We can explore these things using isotopic signatures – this is what I hope to research for my Masters thesis.
“I'd like to go overseas to get more experience once I have my Masters degree – there aren't many explosions in New Zealand! I'm not too worried about heading into the areas where there ARE more explosions as this would be great experience. It's not like we'd be the ones hunting down terrorists, our work would be lab-based. We just assist other people to find the bomb-makers…”
Hannah comes from the Kapiti Coast. Her explosives expert was based in Wellington when he came to speak to their 200 level class, but now he just lives up the road in Kapiti … it's a small world after all…. and it makes finding out more, so much easier!