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SP Hillary McCracken

Hilllary McCracken completed a BSc (Hon) degree in Food Science in 2006. Following the completion of her degree she was accepted into the Fonterra Graduate Technical programme commonly referred to as the FGTP programme.

“The Fonterra Graduate Technical Programme is an excellent introduction into Fonterra and the dairy industry as a whole.

During the first four months we were placed into four separate processing plants around New Zealand, becoming familiar with the diversity of Fonterra's dairy products and manufacturing processes. Following these factory experiences, the majority of the year was spent at the Fonterra Research and Innovation centre in Palmerston North. Here, we had the opportunity to work with and learn from some of the leading research scientists in the dairy industry. Numerous research projects were completed during this time, one of which was written as a Master's thesis. By completing this programme we were awarded with a Masters in Dairy Science and Technology”.

Hillary now works as a Technologist in the Nutritional product's team at Fonterra Waitoa. She focuses on product development projects involving the formulation of infant formula milk products. This involves the assessment of Fonterra's capability to manufacture these products on a year round basis. A key component to the development work is to develop and maintain strong customer relationships within their Technical / R&D, Quality and Marketing divisions.

“Often, the development process revolves around a minor change in the formulation driven by customer requirements. Other times I am focussed on introducing new products into the factory. This usually involves pilot plant scale trials, followed by production runs on the commercial plant at Waitoa.

My job consistently provides challenges and opportunities. While there is plenty more to learn in my current role there are also many opportunities to move within Fonterra, to gain a wider understanding of the business and the dairy industry.

The Food Science degree gave me a sound knowledge base to build from in my current role. The skills you learn at university are invaluable in any career.”

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