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Kessler, D. E., M. Y. Egan, C. J. Dubouloz, S. E. McEwen and F. Graham (2015). "Occupational performance coaching for stroke survivors: Pilot RCT results." International Journal of Stroke 10: 85-85.

Kessler, D. and F. Graham (2015). "The use of coaching in occupational therapy: An integrative review." Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 62(3): 160-176.

Graham, F., S. Rodger and J. Ziviani (2009). "Coaching parents to enable children's participation: An approach for working with parents and their children." Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 56(1): 16-23.

Graham, F., S. Rodger and J. Ziviani (2014). "Mothers' experiences of engaging in Occupational Performance Coaching." British Journal of Occupational Therapy 77(4): 189-197.

Graham, F., S. Rodger and J. Ziviani (2013). "Effectiveness of Occupational Performance Coaching in Improving Children's and Mothers' Performance and Mothers' Self-Competence." American Journal of Occupational Therapy 67(1): 10-18.

Graham, F., S. Rodger and J. Ziviani (2010). "Enabling Occupational Performance of Children Through Coaching Parents: Three Case Reports." Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 30(1): 4-15.

Graham, F. and S. Rodger (2010). Occupational Performance Coaching: Enabling children's and parents' occupational performance. Occupation-centred practice with children. S. Rodger. Oxford, UK, Wiley-Blackwell: 203-226.

Graham, F. (2011). "Parents' experiences of engaging in occupational performance coaching (OPC)... Occupational Therapy Australia, 24th National Conference and Exhibition, 29 June - 1 July 2011." Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 58: 43-43.

Graham, F. (2011). Occupational Performance Coaching: An approach to enabling performance with children and parents doctoral thesis, University of Queensland.

Kessler, D., M. Egan, C. Dubouloz, S. McEwen and F. Graham (2013). "Occupational performance coaching for stroke survivors: Pilot RCT results (RHB.138)." International Journal of Stroke 10(Supplement S4): 21-35.

Alcorn, K. and K. Broome (2014). "Occupational performance coaching for chronic health conditions: A review of the literature." New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy 61(2): 49-56.

Kessler, D., M. Egan, C. Dubouloz, F. Graham and S. McEwen (2014). "Occupational Performance Coaching for stroke survivors: A pilot randomized controlled trial protocol." Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy.

Kessler, D., I. Ineza, H. Patel, M. Phillips and C. Dubouloz (2014). "Occupational Performance Coaching adapted for stroke survivors (OPC-Stroke): A feasibility evaluation." Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics 32(1): 42-57.

Hui, C., L. Snider and M. Couture (2016). "Self-regulation workshop and Occupational Performance Coaching with teachers: A pilot project." Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 83(2): 115-125.

Kahjoogh, M., M. Rassafiani, W. Dunn, S. Hosseini and N. Akbarfahimi (2016). "Occupational Performance Coaching: A descriptive review of literature." New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy 63(2): 45-49.

Graham, F. (2017). The Journey to Occupational Performance Coaching. Enabling Positive Occupational Change: Coaching Conversations in Occupational Therapy w. Pentland, J. Isaacs-Young, J. Gash and A. Heinz, CAOT.

Graham, F., S. Rodger and A. Kennedy-Behr (2017). Occupational Performance Coaching: Enabling caregivers' and children's occupational performance. Occupation-centred practice with children: A practical guide for occupational therapists. S. Rodger and A. Kennedy-Behr. Chichester, West Sussex, UK, Wiley-Blackwell: 209-231.

Graham, F., J. Ziviani, A. Kennedy-Behr, D. Kessler and C. Hui (2018). "Fidelity of occupational performance coaching: Importance of accuracy in intervention identification." OTJR Occupation, Participation and Health 38(1): 67-69.

Gadkari, S., F. Graham and M. J. Mulcahey (under review). "Pilot Testing the Occupational Performance Coaching-Fidelity Measure as a Self-Assessment Tool." American Journal of Occupational Therapy.

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