Sarah Baldwin
Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce
(PGDipCom) in Finance
Sarah Baldwin reckons Otago could gives job-seekers an edge even in tough times. Baldwin is following a BSc in mathematics with a PGDipCom in finance. She's hoping that the skills she's learned at Otago will make the difference when it comes to starting her career.
“We've had feedback that employers like Otago graduates, not just because they get really good qualifications, but because they also have good social skills. They've learned how to find a good work/life balance.”
That's part of Otago's attraction. “Dunedin is the perfect student city. It's just the right size, everything is five minutes walk and I feel safe here. It's a good city to study in,” says Baldwin.
“There's also a great group atmosphere. Postgraduate work is a step up, but there's always someone to help. The lecturers are really approachable.
“Classes are small and you get to know everyone really well, which helps because the workload is heavy and it's good to work on assignments with other people.”
Baldwin's workload is heavier than some. Because of Otago's international affiliations she was able to win a Chartered Financial Analyst scholarship, allowing her to study to gain more global flexibility - another useful tool when applying for jobs.