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Wright Michael Totara


Tree species

Podocarpus Totara Aurea


19 December 2017


Leith Walk, on north bank of Water of Leith


Mike Wright was a kind, calm, compassionate, witty, positive, generous and thoughtful man, who was always available to listen and help those in need. He served as Chaplain to the University of Otago for 15 years, beginning in 2003. In his role as chaplain he provided confidential and non-judgmental pastoral support and encouragement to all students and staff, either as individuals or in groups. He enjoyed working with people as they considered the spiritual dimension of their lives and how it might enhance their life experience as a student or staff member.

Mike had degrees in Science and Theology and a postgraduate diploma in tertiary teaching. He was in his seventh year of Doctoral studies (almost completed) in Education, exploring first-year students' understandings and experiences of spirituality.

He was an experienced Spiritual Director, independent marriage celebrant, Justice of the Peace, a dearly loved husband and father of three.


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