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The Design Office within the Operations Unit provides design and documentation services, manages building consent applications, and is the keeper and maintainer of the University's drawing records and plans.

Design Office Manager

Warren Smith imageWarren Smith

Tel +64 3 479 8034
Mob +64 21 221 9871

Warren has over 30 years' experience as an Architectural Technician including Contract Administration of medium to large sized infrastructure and commercial projects.

He has worked in a multi-disciplinary consultancy and medium sized architectural practices in New Zealand and overseas.

Warren still most enjoys preparing presentation and construction documents finding design solutions utilizing the modern CAD Building Information Modelling software.

BrettDakersArchitectural Technician

Brett Dakers

Tel +64 3 479 6210

Brett designs and documents small to medium-sized projects with experience in timber-frame construction, structural drafting and civil works. Brett has a particularly strong interest in residential design and construction.

Brett graduated with a Diploma in Architectural Technology from Otago Polytechnic and has prior substantial work experience in international infrastructure consultancy.

Architectural TechnicianGeneric

Mike Becht

Tel +64 3 479 9040

Mike comes with a wide range of draughting experience in electrical, mechanical, civil and structural projects in New Zealand and Australia.

Mike has a New Zealand Certificate in Engineering from Otago Polytechnic and has a strong interest (opinion) in lighting and power design, supporting the Highlanders and playing golf.

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