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The Orbitrap Exploris 240 is a new generation orbitrap mass spectrometry platform with excellent mass accuracy of < 1ppm using integrated internal calibration and high resolution of 240,000 (FWHM) at m/z 200 for high confidence compound identification and differentiation. The scan speed of 22 Hz at a resolution of 15,000 allows us to keep up with the inline coupled uHPLC separation of analyte molecules. The mass range of m/z 40 – 6000 enables us to measure a wide range of molecules, from very small fragment ions of small molecules to intact proteins of > 150,000 Da. The Exploris 240 is inline coupled to a Vanquish uHPLC system that delivers low micro to standard analytical flow rates suitable for a wide range of LC-MS applications in metabolomics and proteomics.

The system is set up for metabolomics research and the measurement of small molecules. It is interfaced to a streamlined data analysis pipeline including Compound Discoverer, a software enabling the access of large online compound libraries for metabolite identification and quantification.

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