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Jackie Hunter

Tel 64 3 479 7619

Associate Professor Jackie Hunter completed a BSc and DPhil at the University of Ulster (Coleraine, Northern Ireland). Since joining the department in 1994 he has taught social psychology. He has authored over 40 papers and supervised over 40 PhD, masters and honours students.


Find out about Associate Professor Hunter's research interests


Hunter, J. A., Clarke, H., Keenan, G., Moradi, S., Arahanga-Doyle, H., Boyes, M., Ruffman, T., … Mason, A., … Scarf, D. (2025). Social identity is associated with the long-term growth of personal efficacy in an Adventure Education Program (AEP). Group Dynamics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/gdn0000231 Journal - Research Article

Ransom, C., Scarf, D., Arahanga-Doyle, H., & Hunter, J. A. (2024). The effects of COVID-19-related threat on perceived control and ingroup favoritism. In A. Akande (Ed.), Power, politics and influence: Exercising followership, leadership, and practicing politics. (pp. 335-359). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-69610-7_12 Chapter in Book - Research

Scobie, O., Wright, S., Yan, R., Ruffman, T., Scarf, D., & Hunter, J. A. (2024). Ostracism and inclusion: Negative in-group favoritism and belonging. In A. Akande (Ed.), Power, politics and influence: Exercising followership, leadership, and practicing politics. (pp. 309-333). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-69610-7_11 Chapter in Book - Research

Fox, A., Fox, R., Linton, C. J., Cruwys, T., Hunter, J. A., Fehoko, E. S., Jones, S., Arahanga-Doyle, H., Winter, T., Treharne, G. J., & Scarf, D. (2024). Social Identity Mapping with justice-involved young people: Exploring identity pathways to aid the desistance of criminal offending. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 34, e70017. doi: 10.1002/casp.70017 Journal - Research Article

Du, K., Hunter, J. A., Yogeeswaran, K., Scarf, D., Arahanga-Doyle, H., & Ruffman, T. (2024). Information regarding shared genes between humans improves attitudes towards world members. European Journal of Social Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.3111 Journal - Research Article

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