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Ngā mihi mahana ki ngā tauira Māori ā Te Tari Whakamātou Hinengaro
A warm greeting to Māori students pursuing their studies in Psychology.

Kaiāwhina Māori / Māori student adviser

Sophie Mathiesen imageSophie Mathiesen.

Tēnā koutou katoa, ko Sophie toku ingoa, ko ahau te kaiāwhina mo Te Tari Whakamātau Hinekaro.
Kia ora! My name is Sophie Mathiesen and I am your Kaiāwhina / Māori Student Adviser for the Department of Psychology.

If you have any questions about your Psychology course, or about anything at the University, please contact me via email, or come find me in my office at the Student Hub, 93 Union St. Downstairs in the Student Hub we have a Māori / Pacific student space in the front room of the building, which you are welcome to use for ako, kōrero, or just hanging out.


Tuakana Network

You are also welcome to contact the Māori Psychology Tuakana Network. The 300-level and postgraduate students who make up the Tuakana Network are currently in many different places along their study journeys and their knowledge of Te Ao Māori. The network provides opportunities to build friendships and professional contacts, to regularly meet with other Māori Psychology tauira, and to attend University events for Māori students as a group. The network also provides a space to engage in Te Ao Māori.

Māori Psychology Tuakana Network

More student support

For course advice, Māori students are welcome to contact the Course Coordinators for their papers.

The University of Otago Māori Centre, Te Huka Mātauraka, provides advocacy for Māori students on campus, study support, information on welfare, finance, scholarships, and grants, and a small resource library.

Tel +64 3 479 8490
Web Te Huka Mātauraka website

A Tribute to Dr Tamar Murachver

Thumbnail Tamar MurachverTēnei te tino mihia ki a Takuta Tamar Murachver. Me maumaharatanga te wahine atawhai mo te tautoko ngā tauira Māori. He pukenga ramarama me te wahine purotu. Ka whakaturia ia te turanga o te Kaiawhina mo Te Tari Whakamātou o Hinengaro. Me whakamoemiti mo tāna pukumahi mo ngā tauira. E te Whaea, moe mai, moemoe ra.

We pay tribute of the highest order to Dr Tamar Murachver who passed away peacefully January 2013. Tamar held the first Kaiawhina position in the Department of Psychology for 21 years. Many former Māori Psychology students have acknowledged her gentle strength in supporting their academic pursuits and providing for their pastoral needs. It is with humble gratitude that we thank this strong woman for developing the Kaiawhina role and making it visible.

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