Hinapōuri ki Hīnātore | Improving Mental Health Services study
The study is being led by Professor Sarah Derrett and Professor Emma Wyeth. The aim of the project is to understand experiences of integrated or 'joined up' care within mental health services in the Southern District Health Board. This will involve conducting a survey with both mental health service users and mental health staff within the Southern District Health Board. It is hoped the study findings will contribute to improving equity for mental health service users, including specifically for Māori mental health service users.
The project is supported by an expert Advisory Team which includes people of lived experience and a Māori academic: Mr Martin Burke, Ms Toni Huls, Ms Katie Gunter and Dr Karyn Maclennan.
Scoping Rangatahi Primary Mental Health Issues, Care and Services - A kaupapa Māori approach to identifying the gaps and need.
The project is being conducted by Professor Sue Crengle, and Ms. Vicky Nelson. The aim of this project is to improve primary mental health care for rangatahi. Specifically this will involve: (1) exploring what rangatahi mental health needs and gaps are within community and primary mental healthcare contexts; (2) to explore primary mental health pathways and strategies that would address this need, being more responsive and effective for rangatahi Māori and their whānau. This project is underpinned by kaupapa Māori principles and theory.
The project team will be conducting community wānanga and in-depth kanohi ki te kanohi interviews in 3 regions: Otakou, Taranaki and Te Tai Tokerau. Wānanga and interviews will include: Māori community leaders, Māori youth and mental health workers, educationalists, and other key informants and stake holders. In addition, we will include rangatahi Māori, their whānau and whānau advocacy groups. At the conclusion of data analysis, a second wānanga will be held in which collaborative interpretation and dissemination of findings can occur among the participants and the wider community. It is hoped that through this project we will be able to identify key issues and priority areas for rangatahi, whānau, Māori and for workers in relevant health, education and social services sectors. Therefore, providing information to be used in the development of effective and timely primary mental health models of care and pathways, in which to aid in the improvement of the rangatahi primary mental health care sector at effectively responding to the needs of rangatahi and their whānau.
The project is supported by a research project mentor, advisory and support team, of which include senior Māori academics: Professor Emma Wyeth (NTMHRU); Associate Professor Leonie Pihama, Director of Te Kotahi Research Institute; Dr. Terryann Clarke, senior lecturer University of Auckland and Manaia Health PHO Child and Youth Friendly Cities Co-Ordinator.
The Psychological and Physical Health and Wellbeing of New Zealand Contemporary Veterans
Professor Emma Wyeth is a Named Investigator on this project led by Professor David McBride. The project aims to describe the risk and protective factors for health and well-being of New Zealand veterans, including specifically for Māori veterans, who have served during and since the Persian Gulf War. This study will help to determine the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Multiple Symptom Illness (MSI) for this group.
Associated staff
- Professor Sarah Derrett
- Professor Sue Crengle
- Dr Karyn Maclennan
- Ms Vicky Nelson
- Ms Michelle Lambert
- Miss Georgia McCarty