A relaxed series of presentations and discussions, the Quality Forum Programme aims to:
- promote the sharing of good practice at Otago
- promote contact between staff and students from across the University
- focus on positive experiences as a way of rewarding and celebrating excellence and innovation
2019 Programme
- 7 May 2019 - Teaching Large Classes (PDF)
2018 Programme
- 21 August - Teaching Challenging Topics (PDF)
- 1 March - Building Student Numeracy (PDF)
2017 Programme
- 23 May - Māori Success Factors (PDF)
- 31 July - 2016 Inaugural Postgraduate Research Culture Award recipients
- 10 August - Sustainability
- 6 November - Using evaluations to improve teaching and demonstrate quality (PDF). A podcast of this Forum is available, please email us on quality-advancement@otago.ac.nz if you would like a copy.
Past Fora
Some fora held in recent years include:
October 20, 2016 - The Academic Audit Report Unpacked
April 5, 2016 - Better Benchmarking: a discussion on what works and what could work better
August 25, 2015 - Benchmarking 101
April 22, 2015 - The Importance of Student Voice in Higher Education Quality
March 4, 2014 - LOCALS Peer Programme for Dunedin first years
December 2, 2014 - The Postgraduate Experience at Otago: Feedback from Students and Graduates
Ideas for fora are always welcome, so please contact quality-advancement@otago.ac.nz if you have a suggestion.