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The Student and Graduate Surveys Policy

The Student and Graduate Surveys Policy was approved by the Vice-Chancellor's Advisory Group in December 2012. Its purpose is to ensure a co-ordinated approach to surveying students and graduates that aligns with and supports the University's strategic direction and associated imperatives.

The Quality Advancement Unit was delegated overarching responsibility for the development of the Policy and establishment of related procedures.

The full policy document is in the University's Policy Library:

Student and Graduate Surveys Policy

Responsibilities and aims of the Surveys Co‑ordination Group

A Surveys Co‑ordination Group was established in April 2013 to support implementation of the Student and Graduate Surveys Policy. Consistent with the Student and Graduate Surveys Policy purpose and intent, the Surveys Co-ordination Group aims to:

  • Ensure that surveys covered by the organisational scope of the Student and Graduate Surveys Policy support the University's strategic direction and associated imperatives
  • Improve the co-ordination of surveys covered by the organisational scope of the Student and Graduate Surveys Policy
  • Foster greater awareness and use of data collected through surveys of students and graduates.

The Surveys Co‑ordination Group is responsible for the approval, registration and scheduling of all surveys covered by the organisational scope of the Student and Graduate Surveys Policy.

Surveys Coordination Group Terms of Reference (PDF)

Submit a project to the Surveys Co-ordination Group

Surveys approved by the Surveys Coordination Group are registered on the Surveys Schedule. To request a copy of the Surveys Schedule, contact:


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