Systems Research Group members
Dr Zhiyi Huang, Professor, Group Leader
Zhiyi's recent research interests include parallel/distributed computing, multi-core systems, green computing, cluster/grid/cloud computing, operating systems, wireless sensor networks, parallel algorithms, high-performance computing, virtualization, computer architectures, and computer networks.
You can find out more about Zhiyi from his personal homepage.
Tel +64 3 479 5680
Dr David Eyers, Professor
David's recent research has examined security enforcement and data dissemination mechanisms within wide-area distributed systems. In particular, he has worked with event-based middleware, role-based access control, decentralised information flow control, and tried to develop connections between these technologies. His research is of growing importance to cloud and grid computing: large-scale public services, such as electronic health record repositories, must manage sensitive data in a secure manner.
You can find out more about David from his personal homepage.
Tel +64 3 479 5749
Dr Haibo Zhang, Associate Professor
Haibo's research interests include wireless sensor/ad-hoc/mesh networks, delay tolerant networks, cyber-physical systems, green computing, distributed algorithms and protocols. My current research focuses on routing protocols and scheduling polices for reliable real-time industrial communication, high-accurate train localization using wireless sensor networks, and channel-aware data communication in body sensor networks.
You can find out more about Haibo from his personal homepage.
Tel +64 3 479 8534
Dr Yawen Chen, Senior Lecturer
Yawen's research interests include resource optimization and performance evaluation in computer networking and computer architecture (optical networks, interconnection networks, green computing, cloud computing etc).
You can find out more about Yawen from her personal homepage.
Tel +64 3 479 5740