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Individuals and organisations alike increasingly rely on the effective functioning of software and information systems. We study how to develop reliable software and information systems, and how these systems influence individuals and organisations. In particular, we investigate the techniques, practices, and tools used to specify, design, develop, deploy, and maintain software. In addition, we examine the interaction between technology and its human and organisational context, including the implications for the use of technologies.


Core Members

  • Professor Stephen MacDonnell: Dr MacDonnell's topics include Empirical Software Engineering; Software Analytics; Evidence-Based Software Engineering; Software Practices; Software Planning, Estimation and Management; Information Systems Development; Software Forensics)
  • Dr Sherlock A. Licorish: Dr Licorish's topics include Software Development Methodologies, Software Process Modelling, Software Teams' Behaviour and Performance, Software Development Tools, Software Requirements Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering, Global Software Development, Open Source Software Development, App Store Mining and Virtual Communities.
  • Dr Sander Zwanenburg: Dr Zwanenburg's topics include Information technology (IT) addiction, use of IT at work, psychological impact of IT use, experience and performance of IT use, and managerial and strategic implications of IT.

Adjunct Members

Selected Publications

  • Holvitie, J., Licorish, S.A., Spínola, R.O., Hyrynsalmi, S., MacDonell, S.G., Mendes, T.S., Buchan, J., & Leppänen, V. (2018) Technical debt and agile software development practices and processes: an industry practitioner survey, Information and Software Technology 96, pp.141-160. doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2017.11.015
  • Zwanenburg, S. P. (2017). Towards a synthesis of the guidelines for the development of measurement. Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) Conference.Retrieved from
  • Devananda, M., Cranefield, S., Winikoff, M., & Lloyd, H. (2017). Workload prediction model of a primary health centre. Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). (pp. 1192-1204). Retrieved from
  • Licorish, S.A., & MacDonell, S.G. (2017) Exploring software developers' work practices: Task differences, participation, engagement, and speed of task resolution, Information & Management 54(3), pp.364-382. doi:10.1016/
  • Sharma, P. N., Savarimuthu, B. T. R., & Stanger, N. (2017). Boundary spanners in open source software development: A study of Python email archives. Proceedings of the 24th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC). (pp. 308-317). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/APSEC.2017.37
  • Hussain, W., Clear, T., & MacDonell, S.G. (2017) Emerging trends for global DevOps: A New Zealand perspective, in Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Global Software Engineering Workshops (ICGSE2017). Buenos Aires, Argentina, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.21-30. doi:10.1109/ICGSE.2017.16
  • Licorish, S. A., Savarimuthu, B. T. R., & Keertipati, S. (2017). Attributes that predict which features to fix: Lessons for App Store mining. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE). (pp. 108-117). New York, NY: ACM. doi: 10.1145/3084226.3084246
  • Dam, H. K., Egyed, A., Winikoff, M., Reder, A., & Lopez-Herrejon, R. E. (2016). Consistent merging of model versions. Journal of Systems & Software, 112, 137-155. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2015.06.044
  • Lee, C.W., Licorish, S.A., Savarimuthu, B.T.R., & MacDonell, S.G. (2016) Augmenting text mining approaches with social network analysis to understand the complex relationships among users' requests: a case study of the Android operating system, in Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS2016). Koloa HI, USA, AIS, pp.1144-1153. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2016.145
  • Zwanenburg, S. P. (2015). How to tie a construct to indicators: Guidelines for valid measurement. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).Retrieved from
  • Licorish, S.A., & MacDonell, S.G. (2015) Communication and personality profiles of global software developers, Information and Software Technology 64, pp.113-131. doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2015.02.004
  • Zwanenburg, S. P., & Farhoomand, A. (2014). The Hong Kong Jockey Club: Transforming customer experience through information technology. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 34, 1115-1132.
  • Licorish, S.A., & MacDonell, S.G. (2014) Understanding the attitudes, knowledge sharing behaviors and task performance of core developers: a longitudinal study, Information and Software Technology 56(12), pp.1578-1596. doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2014.02.004
  • Zwanenburg, S. (2013). Information technology addiction: Construct development and measurement. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Retrieved from
  • Felizardo, K.R., MacDonell, S.G., Mendes, E., & Maldonado, J.C. (2012) A systematic mapping on the use of visual data mining to support the conduct of systematic literature reviews, Journal of Software 7(2), pp.450-461. doi:10.4304/jsw.7.2.450-461
  • Shepperd, M., & MacDonell, S.G. (2012) Evaluating prediction systems in software project estimation, Information and Software Technology 54(8), pp.820-827. doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2011.12.008


Omondiagbe, O. P., Lilburne, L. R., Licorish, S. A., & MacDonell, S. G. (2023). Soil texture prediction with automated deep convolutional neural networks and population-based learning. Geoderma, 436, 116521.  doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2023.116521

Alencar da Costa, D., Grattan, N., Stanger, N., & Licorish, S. A. (2023). Studying the characteristics of SQL-related development tasks: An empirical study. Empirical Software Engineering, 28, 69.  doi: 10.1007/s10664-023-10295-x

Karetai, M., Mann, S., Guruge, D. D., Licorish, S., & Clear, A. (2023). Decolonising computer science education: A global perspective.  Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) (Vol. 1). (pp. 1097-1102). New York, NY: ACM.  doi: 10.1145/3545945.3569870

Karetai, M., Mann, S., Guruge, D. D., Licorish, S., & Clear, A. (2023). Social dreaming together: Envisioning decolonised computer science education.  Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) (Vol. 2). (pp. 1224-1225). New York, NY: ACM.  doi: 10.1145/3545947.3569597

Zolduoarrati, E., Licorish, S. A., & Stanger, N. (2023). Secondary studies on human aspects in software engineering: A tertiary study. Journal of Systems & Software. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2023.111654

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