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A Postgraduate Diploma is designed for graduates who wish to continue their studies in the same or similar subject to an advanced level, and possibly to proceed from this to a research degree.

We offer the Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce (PGDipCom), in Science (PGDipSci), and in Arts (PGDipArts), majoring in Information Science. These all involve the same course of study — the choice of which to study usually depends on whether your previous degree is in commerce, science or arts.

The Information Science major usually involves taking 120 points of INFO 400-level papers. If it is desired to progress to a research masters degree it is recommended to include the dissertation paper INFO490, and this paper (or equivalent research experience) is a prerequisite for entry to PhD study.

The School of Computing also offer the PGDipSci majoring in Software Engineering and in Telecommunications (in conjunction with the Department of Physics).

A Postgraduate Diploma may be completed in one year of full-time study, or up to three years of part-time study, and is usually started at the beginning of our academic year (late February/early March).

The requirements for entry to the programme include a B+ average or higher in relevant 300-level papers, or an equivalent performance for those coming from outside the university.

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