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Owheo Building, Room 123A
Tel +64 3 479 5728

In the 1980s I received a Bachelor degree, in the 1990s a Masters degree, and in the 2000s I have completed a PhD (all in Computer Science). Between degrees I spent time working commercially, and as a researcher.

My research interests include Information Retrieval, search engines, and Software Engineering. Can we find and extract useful information from the gigabytes that are available? If we can then how can we build efficient systems to do this?

For more information see my research pages


Knott, A., Pedreschi, D., Chatila, R., Chakraborti, T., Leavy, S., Baeza-Yates, R., Eyers, D., Trotman, A., … Bengio, Y. (2023). Generative AI models should include detection mechanisms as a condition for public release. Ethics & Information Technology, 25(4), 55. doi: 10.1007/s10676-023-09728-4 Journal - Research Article

Mackenzie, J., Trotman, A., & Lin, J. (2023). Efficient document-at-a-time and score-at-a-time query evaluation for learned sparse representations. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 41(4), 96. doi: 10.1145/3576922 Journal - Research Article

Trotman, A., & Kitchen, V. (2022). Quality metrics for search engine deterministic sort orders. Information Processing & Management, 59, 103102. doi: 10.1016/j.ipm.2022.103102 Journal - Research Article

Chappell, T., Geva, S., Hogan, J. M., Lovell, D., Trotman, A., & Perrin, D. (2022). Metagenomic geolocation using read signatures. Frontiers in Genetics, 13, 643592. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.643592 Journal - Research Article

Parameswaran, P., Trotman, A., & Liesaputra, V. (2021). Detecting the target of sarcasm is hard: Really? Proceedings of the University of Otago Student Research Symposium: Te Wānaka Rakahau: Ākoka. (pp. 48). [Abstract] Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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