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Are swedes killing cows?

Ian Latimer and Belinda Cridge (Pharmacology)

A look into the mass cow deaths in Southland in 2014. Testing the idea that high levels of glucosinolates in the swede crop caused widespread cow liver failure, bile duct damage and death.

Stress and strain: drilling into the Alpine Fault

Jack Williams  and Loren Matthewson (Geology)

The Alpine Fault currently presents the greatest earthquake hazard to NZ's South Island. In 2011 and 2014, we investigated the Alpine Fault at depth during the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP). We will explain how drilling could reduce earthquake risk, and highlight some fascinating outcomes of the project so far.

From counterfeit medicine detection to solar cells; the diverse applications of Raman spectroscopy

Georgina Shillito  and Sara Miller (Chemistry)

Shining laser light at a sample and measuring the scattering (Raman spectroscopy) can give information for diverse applications; from detecting counterfeit medicines to designing solar cells. We will provide a brief overview of Raman spectroscopy and its potential uses.

Where do the whitebait go?

Jason Augspurger  and Gerry Closs (Zoology)

Before becoming a fritter, whitebait species complete one of the most mysterious migrations in the animal kingdom. After hatching in streams, whitebait larvae drift downstream to the ocean where they disappear for up to a few months before returning to freshwater. Here we investigate where the whitebait go, why they go and how they find the way back to freshwater.

Climate Change Risk Perception: Is it just a matter of time?

Jean Fletcher  and Nancy Longnecker  (Science Communication)

My research in the Centre for Science Communication involves perception of climate change. Does perceiving climate change as a distant future threat negatively influence people's ability to judge climate change risk? Can stories be used to help people better visualise the future?

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