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BA (Lanzhou), PG(Dip) (BFSU), MA (Auckland), PhD (Auckland and Melbourne)

Senior Lecturer

Contact details

Room 5C14, Richardson Building
Tel +64 3 479 8939

Research interests

Dr John Wei joins Sociology, Gender Studies and Criminology with a background in Culture and Communication as well as Media, Film and Television. He has previously held multiple teaching and research roles at the University of Melbourne, the University of Auckland, and the University of Canterbury.

His research focuses on transnational gender, sexuality, and queer studies through an intersectional approach combining urban sociology, ethnography, migration and mobilities, and media and film studies to interrogate wider and ongoing social changes in global and regional flows and movements of talents, cultures, and capital.

John is the author of Queer Chinese Cultures and Mobilities: Kinship, Migration, and Middle Classes (Hong Kong University Press, 2020). His current work explores social practices and cultural productions of gender and sexuality through a comparative lens across global Anglophone (English-speaking) and Sinophone (Chinese-speaking) societies to consider geographical, social, generational, cultural, and gender/sexual mobilities in the 21st century.


I co-ordinate and teach:
GEND 101 Gender in Everyday Life
GEND 205 / 305 Gender and the Media

I teach sections of:
GEND 206GEND 306 Gender, Work and Consumer Culture
GEND 401 Debates in Gender and Sexuality

Postgraduate Research Supervision

  • Aaron Hu (PhD) Mental Health Disparities among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals
  • Jemima Meegan (MPCS) Transgender and Queer Refugees/Asylum Seekers
  • Hannah Goh (MSc) Sexual Violence Prevention in East/Southeast Asian Communities in New Zealand
  • Rowan Simmons (Hons) Intersections between Transgender Identity and Masculinity
  • Annaliese Boyd (Hons) Mobility, Kinship, and Identity of Queer Female University Students


Gibbs, A., Wei, J., Gilmour, F., Dougherty, J., Bond, P., Bohn, S., Silver, E., Biggs, L., & Rakuita, T. (Eds.). (2024). Proceedings of the Te Taura Takata Sociology, Gender Studies & Criminology Postgraduate Symposium VIII. Dunedin, New Zealand: Sociology, Gender Studies and Criminology Programme, University of Otago. 42p. Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings

Wei, J. (2024). The end of the beginning: Ten years of researching (and reflecting on) queer kinship. Proceedings of the Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (SAANZ) Conference: The Sociology to Come. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Hu, A., & Wei, J. (2024). Behind the façade: Chinese gay and lesbian people's experiences in heterosexual marriage. Proceedings of the Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (SAANZ) Conference: The Sociology to Come. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Gibbs, A., Wei, J., Gilmour, F., Dougherty, J., Bond, P., Bohn, S., Biggs, L., & Rakuita, T. (Eds.). (2023). Proceedings of the Sociology, Gender Studies & Criminology and Social & Community Work Postgraduate Symposium VII. Dunedin, New Zealand: Sociology, Gender Studies and Criminology Programme, University of Otago. 44p. Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings

Wei, J. (2023). Taiwan’s same-sex marriage legislation: Social movement strategies and relational dynamics. Journal of East Asian Studies. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/jea.2023.8 Journal - Research Article

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