CQSW PhD (Brist) CertWSt (Open)
Contact details
Room 6C17, Richardson Building
Tel +64 3 479 5677
Email anita.gibbs@otago.ac.nz
Anita trained as a social worker in the UK and worked in criminal justice, notably probation.
She completed her PhD at the University of Bristol and after postdoctoral research at the University of Oxford she moved to Otago in 1999.
She has taught numerous social work, sociology and criminology courses since with a particular interest in teaching in the area of families. Her research studies have included electronic monitoring, mental health, adoption, transcultural parenting, defining social work research, making social work accessible to sociologists, auto-ethnography, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and its impact on families, and the scholarship of publication.
Anita is a registered social worker and facilitates a parent support group for families where FASD is an issue.
I co-ordinate and teach:
Postgraduate supervision
- Adoption
- Fostering
- FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder)
- Qualitative Research
- Social Work Research
- Family Welfare and Policy
- Hidden/Invisible Disabilities
Current and recent students
- Jo VanWyk (PhD) – The immediate and ongoing information needs of individuals diagnosed with FASD and the families and professionals who support them: Stakeholder perceptions and experiences of information seeking, finding and sharing
- Natasha Jolly (PhD) – An analysis of the efficacy and historical accountability of post-war/conflict transitional justice with specific focus on sexual and gender-based violence
- Hamuera Tyrin Tutaki (MA) – Matauranga Māori approaches to retail crime
- Jamie Crook (MA) – Criminalisation and labelling of Covid “anti-vaxxers”
- Isaac Bishop (BMedSc) – FASD and health professionals’ skills and knowledge – improving practice
- Maia Cameron (Honours) – The ramraid rampage of our iwi youth: A modern moral panic?
- Liz Denton (Honours) – Attention Deficit Disorder and Aotearoa New Zealand social work
Gibbs, A. (2025). Will new health minister carry on good work on this lifelong disability? Newsroom, (30 January). Retrieved from https://newsroom.co.nz/2025/01/30/will-new-health-minister-carry-on-good-work-on-this-lifelong-disability/ Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Gibbs, A., Wei, J., Gilmour, F., Dougherty, J., Bond, P., Bohn, S., Silver, E., Biggs, L., & Rakuita, T. (Eds.). (2024). Proceedings of the Te Taura Takata Sociology, Gender Studies & Criminology Postgraduate Symposium VIII. Dunedin, New Zealand: Sociology, Gender Studies and Criminology Programme, University of Otago. 42p. Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Gibbs, A. (2024, November). Dealing with invisible disabilities. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Police Crime Managers Forum [Online]. [Research Presentation]. Other Research Output
Gibbs, A. (2024, October). Child and Adolescent-to-Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA). Webinar presentation for the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Care Action Network (FASD-CAN) Learning & Networking Group for Social Workers and Support Workers (LANSAS) Meeting [Online]. [Research Presentation]. Other Research Output
Gibbs, A. & Tempest, L. (2024, July). Caregivers coping with violence and abuse: The struggles, the strategies, and what caregivers want professionals to know. Webinar presentation for the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Care Action Network (FASD-CAN) Aotearoa New Zealand [Online]. Retrieved from https://www.fasd-can.org.nz/resources Other Research Output
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Gibbs, A. (2025). Will new health minister carry on good work on this lifelong disability? Newsroom, (30 January). Retrieved from https://newsroom.co.nz/2025/01/30/will-new-health-minister-carry-on-good-work-on-this-lifelong-disability/
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A. (2024). ‘No one believed us: no one came to help’: Caregivers' experiences of violence and abuse involving children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/anzf.1575
Gibbs, A., Flanagan, J., & Gray, L. (2024). An Australian online training and support program for caregivers of children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Families linking with families. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 49(2), 175-185. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2023.2271757
Journal - Research Other
Gibbs, A. (2024). Using lived experience and practitioner research to create unique programmes providing help for caregivers, professionals and students to increase support for children living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. International Social Work. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/00208728241288018
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gibbs, A. (2024). Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Proceedings of the National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (NOFASD) Australia: The FASD Forum. Retrieved from https://www.nofasd.org.au/
Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Gibbs, A., Wei, J., Gilmour, F., Dougherty, J., Bond, P., Bohn, S., Silver, E., Biggs, L., & Rakuita, T. (Eds.). (2024). Proceedings of the Te Taura Takata Sociology, Gender Studies & Criminology Postgraduate Symposium VIII. Dunedin, New Zealand: Sociology, Gender Studies and Criminology Programme, University of Otago. 42p.
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Gibbs, A. (2024, September). ‘I’m gritting all night’: The unseen labour and caregivers’ reflections of strategies that help children and youth with FASD make it through the day. Poster session presented at the 7th European Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (EuFASD) Alliance Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Other Research Output
Gibbs, A. (2024, November). Dealing with invisible disabilities. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Police Crime Managers Forum [Online]. [Research Presentation].
Gibbs, A. (2024, October). Child and Adolescent-to-Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA). Webinar presentation for the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Care Action Network (FASD-CAN) Learning & Networking Group for Social Workers and Support Workers (LANSAS) Meeting [Online]. [Research Presentation].
Gibbs, A. & Tempest, L. (2024, July). Caregivers coping with violence and abuse: The struggles, the strategies, and what caregivers want professionals to know. Webinar presentation for the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Care Action Network (FASD-CAN) Aotearoa New Zealand [Online]. Retrieved from https://www.fasd-can.org.nz/resources
Gibbs, A. (2024, September). Exploring Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and its intersections with justice and substance misuse and current best practices. Verbal presentation at the Alcohol & Other Drug Treatment Court (AODTC) Annual Training Day, Higher Ground Papa Taumata, Auckland, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Gibbs, A. (2024, May). AVITH in context: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Webinar presentation for the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare [Online]. [Research Presentation].
Milne, K., Henderson, L., Gibbs, A., & Chu, J.T.W. (2024, March). Setting our tertiary students up for success. Webinar presentation for the New Zealand Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Care Action Network (FASD-CAN). [Research Presentation].
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Gibbs, A. (2023). Abuse and violence from disabled children to caregivers commonplace. Stuff, (4 April). Retrieved from https://www.stuff.co.nz/opinion/131682383/abuse-and-violence-from-disabled-children-to-caregivers-commonplace
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gibbs, A. (2023). Living in the fire: The impacts of child and adolescent to parent violence and abuse on caregivers of children with fetal alcohol spectrum. Drug & Alcohol Review, 42(Suppl. 1), 64. doi: 10.1111/dar.13749
Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Gibbs, A., Wei, J., Gilmour, F., Dougherty, J., Bond, P., Bohn, S., Biggs, L., & Rakuita, T. (Eds.). (2023). Proceedings of the Sociology, Gender Studies & Criminology and Social & Community Work Postgraduate Symposium VII. Dunedin, New Zealand: Sociology, Gender Studies and Criminology Programme, University of Otago. 44p.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Milne, K., Henderson, L., Gibbs, A., Johnston, T., & Chu, J. T. W. (2023, October). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: What is needed to enable tertiary students to achieve. Workshop presentation at the Neuroability Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A. (2023, October). Expanding knowledge and awareness of neurodiversity for health, welfare and justice professionals and tertiary learners. Verbal presentation at the Neuroability Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A. (2023, September). Caring in the chaos: How caregivers of people living with FASD survive and thrive. Verbal presentation at the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Care Action Network (FASD-CAN) Annual Hui: Looking back and pushing forward: FASD in Aotearoa, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Gibbs, A. (2023, August). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: The lived reality and ways in which professionals and helpers can make a positive difference. Whāraurau National Training Day: Neurodiversity, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://wharaurau.org.nz/
Gibbs, A. (2023, June). Alcohol, FASD & families: Good practice for social, justice & allied workers. University of Salford, Manchester, UK. [Public Seminar].
Edited Book - Research
Gibbs, A., & Gilmour, F. E. (Eds.). (2022). Women, crime and justice in context: Contemporary perspectives in feminist criminology from Australia and New Zealand. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 296p. doi: 10.4324/9780429316975
Chapter in Book - Research
Good, G. A., Gibbs, A., & Hollis English, A. (2022). Older, professional mothers: Identity and disability. In S. Mitchell & O. Sanmiguel-Valderrama (Eds.), Where did I go? Reflections on so-called late mothering. (pp. 53-63). Coe Hill, Canada: Demeter Press. doi: 10.2307/j.ctv2wr4wk1.7
Gibbs, A., & Gilmour, F. E. (2022). Conclusions. In A. Gibbs & F. E. Gilmour (Eds.), Women, crime and justice in context: Contemporary perspectives in feminist criminology from Australia and New Zealand. (pp. 253-259). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429316975
Gibbs, A. (2022). Women and girls with neurodisabilities and mental health issues in the criminal justice system. In A. Gibbs & F. E. Gilmour (Eds.), Women, crime and justice in context: Contemporary perspectives in feminist criminology from Australia and New Zealand. (pp. 194-209). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429316975
Gibbs, A. (2022). Punishment in the community: Community sentences and gender. In A. Gibbs & F. E. Gilmour (Eds.), Women, crime and justice in context: Contemporary perspectives in feminist criminology from Australia and New Zealand. (pp. 134-149). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429316975
Gilmour, F. E., & Gibbs, A. (2022). Introduction. In A. Gibbs & F. E. Gilmour (Eds.), Women, crime and justice in context: Contemporary perspectives in feminist criminology from Australia and New Zealand. (pp. 1-12). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429316975
Journal - Research Other
Gibbs, A. (2022). We are not doing enough for children with neuro-disabilities. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 34(2), 90-93. [Commentary].
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Gibbs, A. (2022). What sort of society leaves disabled people locked up and dying early? Stuff, (9 March). Retrieved from https://www.stuff.co.nz/pou-tiaki/127996391/what-sort-of-society-leaves-disabled-people-locked-up-and-dying-early
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Harrington, S., & Gibbs, A. (2022). Evidence-based online training and support courses for caregivers of youth with FASD. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on FASD (EUFASD). (pp. 93-94). Retrieved from https://www.eufasd.org
Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Stringer, R., Keddell, E., Wei, J., Gibbs, A., Bond, P., & Bohn, S. (Eds.). (2022). Proceedings of the Sociology, Gender Studies & Criminology and Social & Community Work Postgraduate Symposium VI. Dunedin, New Zealand: Sociology, Gender Studies and Criminology Programme, University of Otago. 42p. Retrieved from https://www.otago.ac.nz/sgc/study/sociology/postgraduate/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2022, May). FASD and child or adolescent to parent and caregiver violence and abuse: Issues for caregivers and professionals. Invited presentation at the FASD Forum '22, [Online].
Other Research Output
Gibbs, A., Dove, K., & Chu, J. (2022, November). Social work perspectives on FASD. Webinar presentation for the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD). [Research Presentation].
Gibbs, A. (2022, October). The criminalisation of children and youth with neurodisabilities in Aotearoa New Zealand. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].
Gibbs, A. (2022, September). What needs to change for caregivers. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day webinar: FASD in Aotearoa: Where we are now. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv13YvHpR6A&feature=youtu.be
Gibbs, A. (2022, September). "Kia Ora" with Professor Anita Gibbs. Pregnancy and Alcohol: The Surprising Reality Podcast by NOFASD Australia. Retrieved from https://www.nofasd.org.au/30-kia-ora-with-professor-anita-gibbs/
Gibbs, A. (2022, September). Best practices for justice: Practitioner views on understanding and helping youth living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Living with Disability (LiDs) Research Centre Seminar Series: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) awareness and practitioner views, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHsW3HKvLlk&t=2607s
Gibbs, A. (2022, November). What social workers need to know about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Webinar presentation for the Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers (ANZASW). Retrieved from https://www.anzasw.nz/eventdetails/15330/what-social-workers-need-to-know-about-fetalalcohol- spectrum-disorder-fasd
Gibbs, A. (2022, October). FASD world tour: New Zealand research into caregiver stress and resilience. FASD Family Life Podcast with Robbie Seale, season 2, episode 8. Retrieved from https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fasd-world-tour-new-zealand-research-into-caregiver/id1561078669?i=1000584196904
Gibbs, A. (2022, August). Online training and support courses for caregivers of children and youth with FASD. Presentation for the Lunch and Learn NZ Series, The Paediatric Society of New Zealand/Te Kāhui Mātai Arotamariki o Aotearoa: Child Development & Disability Clinical Network, [Online]. [Public Seminar].
Gibbs, A. (2022, March). I am not a bystander... abuse in care still continues: It's not just in the past. Reimagining Social Work in Aotearoa blog. Retrieved from https://reimaginingsocialwork.nz/2022/03/15/i-am-not-a-bystander-abuse-in-care-still-continues-its-not-just-in-the-past
Chapter in Book - Research
Gibbs, A. (2021). Neuro-disabilities and criminal justice: Time for a radical rethink. In E. Stanley, T. Bradley & S. Monod de Froideville (Eds.), The Aotearoa handbook of criminology. (pp. 358-369). Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press.
Gibbs, A. (2021). Community sentences: Expanding a system of control and surveillance? In E. Stanley, T. Bradley & S. Monod de Froideville (Eds.), The Aotearoa handbook of criminology. (pp. 225-237). Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press.
Gibbs, A. (2021). Focus groups and group interviews. In R. Coe, M. Waring, L. V. Hedges & L. D. Ashley (Eds.), Research methods and methodologies in education. (3rd ed.) (pp. 240-247). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Chapter in Book - Other
Smith, R. G., & Gibbs, A. (2021). 호주와 뉴질랜드의 전자감독제도: 전자 망(electronic net)의 확대 [Extending the electronic net in Australia and New Zealand: Developments in electronic monitoring down-under]. In M. Nellis, K. Beyens & D. Kaminski (Eds.), 비교 전자감독 제도론 [Electronically monitored punishment]. (pp. 161-196). Seoul, Republic of Korea: Parkyoung Publishing.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Gibbs, A. (2021). Dr Clark, it's just not good enough. Newsroom: Ideasroom, (29 June). Retrieved from https://www.newsroom.co.nz/ideasroom/dr-clark-its-just-not-good-enough
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gibbs, A., & Flanagan, J. (2021). Evidence-based online training and support courses for caregivers of youth with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Drug & Alcohol Review, 40(Suppl. 1), (pp. S73). doi: 10.1111/dar.13384
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2021, October). The health and wellbeing of caregivers and the perspectives of stakeholders on living with FASD. Verbal presentation at the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Care Action Network (FASD-CAN) Annual Hui: Action in Aotearoa, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A., & Gibbs, D. (2021, October). What works well and what doesn't work so well for young people in the youth justice system in Aotearoa New Zealand: Perspectives from family members. Verbal presentation at the FASD & the Justice System Conference: Let’s Continue the Conversation, [Online].
Other Research Output
Gibbs, A. (2021, September). Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and its intersections with the youth justice system. Re-Imaginging Social Work in Aotearoa New Zealand Podcast. Retrieved from https://www.reimaginingsocialwork.nz/2021/09/foetal-alcohol-spectrum-disorder-fasd-and-its-intersections-with-the-youth-justice-system
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A., Bagley, K., Badry, D., & Gollner, V. (2020). Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Effective helping responses from social workers. International Social Work, 63(4), 496-509. doi: 10.1177/0020872818804032
Journal - Research Other
Oatley, V., & Gibbs, A. (2020). Improving treatment and outcomes for young people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in the youth justice system: A social work led response and practice framework. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 32(2), 5-16.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Gibbs, A. (2020). Think of those who can't be together for Christmas. Otago Daily Times, (24 December), 14. [Letter].
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Gibbs, A. (2020, April). Evidence-based training and support courses for parents and caregivers of youth with FASD in New Zealand. Poster session presented at the 9th International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Review, Respond and Relate, Vancouver, Canada.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2020, March). Neuro-disability and neuro-diversity in the corrections population: Implications for education. Keynote presentation at the Department of Corrections Southern Region Professional Development Hui: Kimihia te mātauranga te kakau o te hoe, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A. (2020, February). The needs and challenges of working with people with neuro-disabilities: Best practice in case management and systems navigation. Keynote presentation at the Corrections Regional Training Event: Southern Region Service Managers, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Gibbs, A., Harrington, S., Brooks, C., Dedman, C., & Robinson, C. (2020). "Getting on with it": A course by caregivers, for caregivers: Pilot overview and evaluation report. Commissioned by National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (NOFASD) Australia. Retrieved from https://www.nofasd.org.au/parents-carers-and-families/support-for-caregivers-families/
Other Research Output
Gibbs, A. (2020, October). Primed for (in)justice: The story of youth living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). University of Otago Auckland alumni function, Auckland, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Gibbs, A. & Oatley, V. (2020, October). Overview of FASD and justice, and a youth justice and social work practice framework. Spotlight on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder seminar series, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Gibbs, A. (2020, September). Assessment and diagnosis: There's more than the test results: Anita and Dima's story. Virtual seminar series hosted by FASD Hub Australia. Retrieved from https://www.fasdhub.org.au/virtual-events-information
Gibbs, A. (2020, June). Caregiver experience of stop, start and re-start diagnostic journeys and brokering help and support along the way. Webinar hosted by Australia New Zealand FASD Clinical Network. [Research Presentation].
Gibbs, A. (2020, July-August). Child and adolescent to parent violence and abuse: Issues for parents, caregivers and professionals. Webinar series hosted by National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (NOFASD) Australia. [Research Presentation].
Gibbs, A. (2020, July). Child and adolescent to parent violence and abuse. Seminar presented at Children's Autism Foundation, Auckland, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A. (2019). An evidence-based training and support course for caregivers of children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in New Zealand. Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 12(1/2), 73-84. doi: 10.1108/ADD-10-2018-0013
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2019, December). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Invited presentation at the Disability Rights Forum, Auckland, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A. (2019, November). Supporting caregivers of children and youth with an FASD: An evidence-based course. Verbal presentation at the 8th Annual Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Conference: Opening Doors to a Brighter Future, Prior Lake, USA.
Gibbs, A. (2019, August). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: The hidden neuro-disability, its impact on families and practice that helps. Verbal presentation at the Ministry of Education Neurodiversity Day: Strengthening Support for Families and Whānau of Children on the Autism Spectrum Aged 0-8 Years, Wellington, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Gibbs, A. (2019, September) Adolescent to parent violence and abuse: Issues for parents, caregivers and professionals. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Professional Development Seminar].
Gibbs, A. (2019, June). The intersection of neuro-disability, crime, and injustice. Delivering Justice: There Has To Be a Better Way, University of the Third Age, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Gibbs, A. (2019). Anita's story. Living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Retrieved from https://www.fasdhub.org.au/fasd-information/understanding-fasd/living-with-fasd/
Gibbs, A. (2019, March). FASD: The hidden disability and implications for practice. Werry Workforce Whāraurau National Training Day: Infant, Maternal and Whānau Mental Health/AOD, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Chapter in Book - Research
Gibbs, A. (2018). Ethical issues when undertaking autoethnographic research with families. In R. Iphofen & M. Tolich (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative research ethics. (pp. 148-160). London, UK: SAGE.
Journal - Research Other
Gibbs, A. (2018). If only Teina Pora had a MedicAlert bracelet. New Zealand Medical Journal, 131(1473), 85-87. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Gibbs, A. (2018). Helping adopted and foster children develop positive cultural and racial identities in their forever families. Inter-Country Adoption New Zealand, (54), 8-12.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2018, November). A strengths and rights-based model to help people with FASD have understanding and voice. Verbal presentation at the 2nd Australian Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Conference: Our Science Our Stories, Perth, Australia.
Gibbs, A. (2018, November). A training and supportc ourse for parents and caregivers of children and youth with FASD. Verbal presentation at the 2nd Australian Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Conference: Our Science Our Stories, Perth, Australia.
Chapter in Book - Other
Gibbs, A. (2017). Focus groups and group interviews. In R. Coe, M. Waring, L. V. Hedges & J. Arthur (Eds.), Research methodologies & methodologies in education. (2nd ed.) (pp. 190-196). London, UK: SAGE.
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A. (2017). Beyond colour-blindness: Enhancing cultural and racial identity for adopted and fostered children in cross-cultural and transracial families. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 29(4), 74-83.
Good, G. A., Hollis-English, A., Attwell, A., Dickson, A., Gibbs, A., Gordon, J., & Taylor, J. M. T. (2017). Social-model mothers: Disability, advocacy, and activism. Counterfutures, (4), 107-135. Retrieved from http://counterfutures.nz
Gibbs, A., & Sherwood, K. (2017). Putting Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) on the map in New Zealand: A review of health, social, political, justice and cultural developments. Psychiatry, Psychology & Law, 24(6), 825-842. doi: 10.1080/13218719.2017.1315784
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gibbs, A. (2017). Living with FASD: An autoethnographic photovoice from New Zealand. Proceedings of the National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Conference. E.10. Retrieved from http://fasd.alberta.ca/alberta-fasd-conference.aspx
Gibbs, A., & Sunderland, L. (2017). Helping young people with FASD to find a language and a voice for their disability: A caregiver and professional perspective. Proceedings of the National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Conference. A.6. Retrieved from http://fasd.alberta.ca/alberta-fasd-conference.aspx
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2017, November). No child with FASD chose to be born with permanent brain damage and lifelong impairments, so why do we treat them as if they did and blame them for 'their disability'? Verbal presentation at the Disability Matters Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A., & Sherwood, K. (2017, December). Is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) a racism issue? Verbal presentation at the Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ) Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A. (2017, September). Getting on with it: Helping interventions and strategies that work for caregivers and parents in families where FASD is an issue. Verbal presentation at the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Care Action Network (FASD-CAN) Parents and Caregivers Workshop: Let's Get Strategic, Auckland, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Jackson, A., & Gibbs, A. (2016). New Zealand's Home for Life policy: Telling children they matter but only for three years. International Journal of Law, Policy & the Family, 30(3), 322-337. doi: 10.1093/lawfam/ebw007
Gibbs, A. (2016). Improving publication: Advice for busy higher education academics. International Journal for Academic Development, 21(3), 255-258. doi: 10.1080/1360144X.2015.1128436
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2016, November). The impact of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) on the family: Helping responses from human services. Verbal presentation at the Social Work in Changing Times Conference: Towards Better Outcomes, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A. (2016, November). Review of issues for caregivers and parents: Impact of FASD on families. Verbal presentation at the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Parents and Caregivers Workshop: When Communication Matters, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Daniels, K., & Gibbs, A. (2016, January). The socio-emotional issues for these modern families. Plenary presentation at the Redefining Family Conference: Growing Families through Adoption, Donor Conception and Surrogacy, Auckland, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A. (2016, January). The impact of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) on the family: Are there ways to make it less painful? Verbal presentation at the Redefining Family Conference: Growing Families through Adoption, Donor Conception and Surrogacy, Auckland, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A. (2016, January). Enhancing cultural awareness and racial identity in families formed through transcultural and transracial adoption. Verbal presentation at the Redefining Family Conference: Growing Families through Adoption, Donor Conception and Surrogacy, Auckland, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A. (2016, January). Awareness of and enhancing cultural and racial identity where families have been formed through transcultural and transracial adoption. Verbal presentation at the 5th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR5), Auckland, New Zealand.
Good, G. A., & Gibbs, A. (2016, January). Adoption of children with special needs. Verbal presentation at the 5th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR5), Auckland, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A., & Stahike Wall, S. (2016, January). Undertaking autoethnographic research with adoptive families. Verbal presentation at the 5th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR5), Auckland, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Gibbs, A. (2016, 18 August). Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Channel 39: Dunedin Television Nightly Interview. [Television Broadcast].
Gibbs, A. & Stahlke Wall, S. (July, 2016). Autoethnographic research: Possibilities, pitfalls & ethics. Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. [Public Seminar].
Edited Book - Research
van Heugten, K., & Gibbs, A. (Eds.). (2015). Social work for sociologists: Theory and practice. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 193p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Gibbs, A. (2015). Parenting adopted children from other cultures and supporting adoptive parents to meet the needs of adopted children. In N. V. Roman (Ed.), Parenting: Behaviors, cultural influences and impact on childhood health and well-being. (pp. 99-122). New York: Nova Science.
Gibbs, A., & van Heugten, K. (2015). Conclusion. In K. van Heugten & A. Gibbs (Eds.), Social work for sociologists: Theory and practice. (pp. 171). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gibbs, A. (2015). Analyzing and solving social problems. In K. van Heugten & A. Gibbs (Eds.), Social work for sociologists: Theory and practice. (pp. 121-140). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
van Heugten, K., & Gibbs, A. (2015). Key values, ethics, and skills for working with people. In K. van Heugten & A. Gibbs (Eds.), Social work for sociologists: Theory and practice. (pp. 47). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gibbs, A., & van Heugten, K. (2015). Key social work frameworks for sociologists. In K. van Heugten & A. Gibbs (Eds.), Social work for sociologists: Theory and practice. (pp. 27-46). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
van Heugten, K., & Gibbs, A. (2015). Overview of the historical and contextual development of sociology and social work. In K. van Heugten & A. Gibbs (Eds.), Social work for sociologists: Theory and practice. (pp. 9-26). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
van Heugten, K., & Gibbs, A. (2015). Introduction. In K. van Heugten & A. Gibbs (Eds.), Social work for sociologists: Theory and practice. (pp. 1). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Journal - Research Article
Haenga-Collins, M., & Gibbs, A. (2015). 'Walking between worlds': The experiences of New Zealand Māori cross-cultural adoptees. Adoption & Fostering, 39(1), 62-75. doi: 10.1177/0308575914565082
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gibbs, A. (2015). Ethics and autoethnography: Reflections on the pitfalls and possibilities in the field of intercountry adoption. Proceedings of the Ethics in Practice Conference. Retrieved from http://www.otago.ac.nz/ethicsreviewproject/conference/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2015, October). Helping transracial and transculturally adopted children (re)- connect to their birth culture. Verbal presentation at the 2nd Aotearoa New Zealand Childhood Studies Colloquium: What Does Childhood Studies Mean for Research, Policy and Practice? Dunedin, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A., & van Heugten, K. (2015, August). How can the social work imagination make a difference to sociology? Verbal presentation at the 5th International Conference on Sociology and Social Work: New Directions in Critical Sociology and Social Work: Identity, Narratives and Praxis, Chester, UK.
Journal - Research Article
Gilling, A. (2014). Jasper's story: 'Letting me down and picking me up' – one boy's story of despair and hope at primary schools in England. Adoption & Fostering, 38(1), 60-72. doi: 10.1177/0308575913518001
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A., & van Heugten, K. (2014, December). Social work and sociology: Neighbourly knowledge? Verbal presentation at the Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (SAANZ) Conference: The Social Impact of the Canterbury Earthquakes, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Gibbs, A. (2013). The needs of adopted and fostered children. In N. Higgins & C. Freeman (Eds.), Childhoods: Growing up in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 167-179). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
Smith, R. G., & Gibbs, A. (2013). Extending the electronic net in Australia and New Zealand: Developments in electronic monitoring down-under. In M. Nellis, R. Bas, K. Beyens & D. Kaminski (Eds.), Electronically monitored punishment: International and critical perspectives. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A. (2013). The power of one: Why auto-ethnography, solo service-user voice and reflective case study analysis are useful strategies for researching family-centred social work practice. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 25(4), 15-24.
Gibbs, A., & Scherman, R. (2013). Pathways to parenting in New Zealand: issues in law, policy and practice. Kōtuitui, 8(1-2), 13-26. doi: 10.1080/1177083X.2013.821077
Gibbs, A. (2013). What would a scholarship of publication look like? Higher Education Research & Development, 32(4), 687-689. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2013.803310
Gibbs, A., & Stirling, B. (2013). ‘It’s about people and their environment’: Student social workers’ definitions of social work research. Social Work Education, 32(3), 317-330. doi: 10.1080/02615479.2012.658365
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gibbs, A. (2013). The power of one: Why autoethnography, solo service-user voice and and reflective case study analysis are valid and useful strategies for family-centred research. Researching Families and Relationships: Innovations in Methods, Theory and Policy Relevance. Retrieved from http://crfrinternationalconference.wordpress.com/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2013, August). Do we need to develop a scholarship of publication and if so what would it look like? Workshop presentation at the Spotlight on Teaching and Learning Colloquium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Gibbs, A. (2012). Focus groups and group interviews. In J. Arthur, M. Waring, R. Coe & L. V. Hedges (Eds.), Research methods & methodologies in education. (pp. 186-192). London, UK: SAGE.
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A. (2012). What do social work students think social work research is? Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 24(2), 19-26.
Johnstone, J., & Gibbs, A. (2012). 'Love them to bits; spend time with them; have fun with them': New Zealand parents' views of building attachments with their newly adopted Russian children. Journal of Social Work, 12(3), 225-245. doi: 10.1177/1468017310381289
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A. (2011). ‘Having to adopt children twice is not in the children's best interests’: A reflective case study analysis of intercountry adoption policy in the UK. Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law, 33(3), 267-277. doi: 10.1080/09649069.2011.626247
Gibbs, A. (2011). Going to the courts twice: A critical appraisal of the UK's policy of re-adoption for intercountry adoptions. Children & Society, 25(6), 482-488. doi: 10.1111/j.1099-0860.2011.00391.x
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gibbs, A. (2011). What works for me as a teacher [Pecha Kucha presentation]. In K. Shephard, T. Harland & A. Cohen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Spotlight on Teaching and Learning Colloquium. (pp. 37). Dunedin, New Zealand: HEDC, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Gibbs, A. (2011). Parenting adopted children and supporting adoptive families: Messages from research. In L. A. Dunn, C. D. Thomson & C. A. Wilson (Eds.), Proceedings of the Consumer and Applied Sciences Centenary Conference: Bringing it Home: Remembering the past and feeding the future. (pp. 34). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2011, November). Learning to research and publish from your teaching: Case study examples from New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the 4th Annual International Education, Research and Innovation (iCERi) Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A. (2010). Parenting adopted children and supporting adoptive parents: Messages from research. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 22(2), 44-52.
Gibbs, A. (2010). Coping with compulsion: Women's views of being on a community treatment order. Australian Social Work, 63(2), 223-233. doi: 10.1080/03124070903265740
Gibbs, A., & Stirling, B. (2010). Reflections on designing and teaching a social work research course for distance and on-campus students. Social Work Education, 29(4), 441-449. doi: 10.1080/02615470902995552
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Gibbs, A. (2010, July). New Zealand parents? Views of building positive relationships with their adopted Russian children and support that parents need to keep the positive relationships going. Poster session presented at the Third International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR3), Leiden, The Netherlands.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2010, July). Parenting adopted children: The importance of relationships and support. Verbal presentation at the Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth 3rd International Conference: Childhood and Youth in Transition, Sheffield, UK.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A. (2009, November). Factors which help and hinder attachment relationships in adoption. Verbal presentation at the 20th Asia Pacific Social Work Conference: Many Voices, Many Communities, Social Justice for All, Auckland, New Zealand.
Gibbs, A., & Stirling, B. (2009, January). Reflections on designing and teaching a social work research course for distance and on-campus students. Verbal presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gibbs, A., & Stirling, B. (2008). Reflections on designing and teaching a social work research course for distance and on-campus students. In C. Bond & R. Spronken-Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the Spotlight on Teaching at Otago Conference. (pp. 12). Dunedin, New Zealand: HEDC, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A., McKenzie, M., & Dempster, C. (2007). 'It's a bonus, without it I wouldn't even have a visit': Parents' views of supervised contact centres in New Zealand. Practice, 19(4), 285-297.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A., & McKenzie, M. (2007, April). Supervised contact services in southern New Zealand: Findings from research. Verbal presentation at the Social Policy, Research and Evaluation Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Walker, S., Eketone, A., & Gibbs, A. (2006). An exploration of kaupapa Maori research, its principles, processes and applications. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 9(4), 331-344.
Mullen, R., Dawson, J., & Gibbs, A. (2006). Dilemmas for clinicians in use of Community Treatment Orders. International Journal of Law & Psychiatry, 29, 535-550. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2006.09.002
Mullen, R., Gibbs, A., & Dawson, J. (2006). Family perspective on community treatment orders: A New Zealand study. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 52(5), 469-478. doi: 10.1177/0020764006066836
Gibbs, A., Dawson, J., & Mullen, R. (2006). Community treatment orders for people with serious mental illness: A New Zealand study. British Journal of Social Work, 36, 1085-1100. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bch392
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Gibbs, A., & McKenzie, M. (2006, June). Supervised contact: The views of parents and staff at three Barnardos centres. Verbal presentation at the Blue Skies Seminar, Wellington, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Gibbs, A., & McKenzie, M. (2006). Supervised contact: The views of parents and staff at three Barnardos contact centres in the southern region of New Zealand [Blue Skies Report No. 9/05]. Commissioned by Families Commission. Wellington, New Zealand: Families Commission. 64p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Gibbs, A. (2005). The paradigms, contexts and enduring conflicts of social work research. In Advances in sociology research, Volume 2. (pp. 135-164). New York: Nova Science.
Chapter in Book - Other
Dawson, J., Romans, S., Gibbs, A., & Ratter, N. (2005). Ambivalence about community treatment orders (Reprinted from International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 26, pp. 243-255). In J. Peay (Ed.), Seminal issues in mental health law. (pp. 409-421). Aldershot, England: Ashgate.
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A., Dawson, J., Ansley, C., & Mullen, R. (2005). How patients in New Zealand view community treatment orders. Journal of Mental Health, 14(4), 357-368. doi: 10.1080/09638230500229541
Cunningham, P., & Gibbs, A. (2005). At the margins: Victim contact work in the New Zealand probation service. British Journal of Community Justice, 3(2, Victims of Crime), 51-62.
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A. (2004). A letter from New Zealand: Home detention - emerging issues after the first three years. Crime Prevention & Community Safety, 6(3), 57-64.
Romans, S., Dawson, J., Mullen, R., & Gibbs, A. (2004). How mental health clinicians view community treatment orders: A national New Zealand survey. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38(10), 836-841. doi: 10.1080/j.1440-1614.2004.01470.x
Gibbs, A., Dawson, J., Forsyth, H., Mullen, R., & Te Oranga Tonu Tanga (Maori Mental Health Team). (2004). Maori experience of community treatment orders in Otago, New Zealand. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38(10), 830-835. doi: 10.1080/j.1440-1614.2004.01468.x
Journal - Research Article
Dawson, J. B., Romans, S., Gibbs, A., & Ratter, N. (2003). Ambivalence about community treatment orders. International Journal of Law & Psychiatry, 26, 243-255. doi: 10.1016/S0160-2527(03)00035-9
King, D., & Gibbs, A. (2003). Is home detention in New Zealand disadvantaging women and children? Probation Journal, 50(2), 115-126.
Gibbs, A., & King, D. (2003). The electronic ball and chain? The operation and impact of home detention with electronic monitoring in New Zealand. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 36(1), 1-17.
Gibbs, A., & King, D. (2003). Home detention with electronic monitoring: The New Zealand experience. Criminal Justice, 3(2), 199-211.
Journal - Research Article
King, D., & Gibbs, A. (2002). Women who offend: Their experiences explored. Practice, 14(4), 53-64.
Gibbs, A., & King, D. (2002). Home detention with electronic monitoring in New Zealand and its implications for probation. Vista, 7(2), 100-110.
Gibbs, A., & King, D. (2002). Alternatives to custody in the New Zealand criminal justice system. Social Policy & Administration, 36(4), 392-407.
Journal - Research Other
Gibbs, A. (2002). [Review of the book Crime, State and Citizen]. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 35. [Book Review].
Authored Book - Research
Gibbs, A., & King, D. (2001). The electronic ball and chain? The development, operation and impact of home detention in New Zealand. Dunedin: Community and Family Studies, University of Otago, 122p.
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A., & King, D. (2001). Is probation work social work? Social Work Review, 13(2), 13-16.
Gibbs, A. (2001). Partnerships between the Probation Service and the Voluntary Sector Organizations. British Journal of Social Work, 31, 15-27.
Gibbs, A. (2001). Social work and empowerment-based research: possibilities, process and questions. Australian Social Work, 54(1), 29-40.
Gibbs, A. (2001). The changing nature and context of social work research. British Journal of Social Work, 1(5), 687-704.
Chapter in Book - Research
Gibbs, A. (2000). Action research. In M. Davies (Ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Social Work. (pp. 2). Oxford: Blackwell.
Gibbs, A. (2000). New managerialism. In M. Davies (Ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Social Work. (pp. 229-231). Oxford: Blackwell.
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A., & Beal, R. (2000). Straight thinking in New Zealand/Aotearoa. Probation Journal, (4), 250-255.
Gibbs, A. (2000). Probation service users: To empower or to exclude? Criminal Justice Matters, (39), 16-17.
Gibbs, A. (2000). Practitioner evaluation. Social Work Review, 12(2), 29-32.
Gibbs, A. (2000). Community probation in New Zealand/Aotearoa. Vista, 6(1), 21-32.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Gibbs, A. (2000). Where There's a Will There is Mediation: committees, the impact of conflict and positive ways of working-together. Just Peace? (pp. 74-80). Auckland: Massey University. [Full Paper]
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A., & Ackerman, N. (1999). Deaf prisoners: needs, services and training issues. Prison Service Journal, (122), 32-33.
Gibbs, A. (1999). Practitioner assessments in the probation service: action research on a local, regional and national basis. Educational Action Research, 7(3), 375-384.
Gibbs, A. (1999). Effective inter-agency partnerships. Social Work Review, 11(2), 15-17.
Gibbs, A. (1999). The assessment, case-management and evaluation system. Probation Journal, 46(3), 182-196.
Gibbs, A. (1999). The forgotten voice: Probation service users and partnerships. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(3), 283-299. doi: 10.1111/1468-2311.00133
Gibbs, A. (1999). Collaboration between researchers and practitioners: it can work. Vista, 4(3), 201-212.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Gibbs, A. (1999). Putting relationships first: effective inter-agency partnerships. Relational Justice Bulletin, 4-5.
Authored Book - Research
Gibbs, A. (1998). Probation Partnerships: A Study of Roles, Relationships and Meanings. Probation Studies Unit, 7th Report. Oxford: Probation Studies Unit, 70p.
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A. (1998). So, Centralisation Improves Service Delivery? Probation Journal, 3, 160-161.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gibbs, A. (1998). Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration in Probation. NIPRE Annual Conference Proceedings. United Kingdom: University of Manchester. [Abstract]
Gibbs, A. (1998). Managerial Styles: Two Examples. UNICRI Handbook on Probation Services. London/Rome: UNICRI/Commonwealth Secretariat. [Abstract]
Gibbs, A. (1998). Practitioner Evaluation of Groupwork Programmes: Practice, Opportunities and Constraints. West Midlands Probation Region Training Day. Birmingham. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Gibbs, A. (Ed.). (1998). New Politics, New Probation? Proceedings of the Probation Studies Unit Second Colloquium. Oxford: Probation Studies Unit. 125p.
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A. (1997). Focus Group Research. Social Research Update, 1-125. University of Surrey, Dept of Sociology.
Gibbs, A. (1997). Gendered Partnerships. Vista, 98-108.
Journal - Research Article
Gibbs, A. (1996). Probation service users as volunteers in partnership projects. Probation Journal, 43(3), 142-146.