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stringerBA (Hons) (W Syd) PhD (ANU)

Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies
Chair – Postgraduate Committee
Pronouns: she/her

Contact details

Room 5C13, Richardson Building
Tel +64 3 479 8759


My research investigates theories, meanings and politics of 'victimhood' in modern and neoliberal times. My book Knowing Victims traces the neoliberal transformation in how we talk about and conceptualise victimization, arguing that neoliberal discourses of personal responsibility and meritocracy recast socially-derived victimization as arising from individual fault.

My current research projects examine the origins of victimology and the visual culture of victimhood. I have held visiting fellowships at the University of Alberta, the University of Sydney and Flinders University, and have shared my research at conferences and events both locally and in Australia, North America, the UK and Europe.

Knowing Victims: Feminism, agency and victim politics in neoliberal times

With Professor Damien Riggs (Flinders) and psychologist A. L. Jones (Alice Miller School), I co-edit the book series Critical Perspectives on the Psychology of Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies, which publishes scholarship challenging the way psychology has traditionally thought about bodies, identities, and experience, with a focus on sex, gender, and sexuality.

Critical Perspectives on the Psychology of Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies

Download the series flyer (PDF)


Postgraduate supervision areas

I will be accepting new expressions of interest again in June 2024.

  • Feminism in neoliberal times
  • Theorising victimhood, vulnerability, agency, survivorship
  • Neoliberalism, inequality and victim politics
  • Victimhood and the visual, visual victimology

Completed primary supervisions

Current primary supervisions

  • Bell Murphy (PhD) – Empowerment beyond the neoliberal self: An autoethnography of a feminist self-defence teacher in Aotearoa
  • Georgia Knowles (PhD) – Love, gender, and violence - exploring how love and abuse co-exist in the narratives of people who have used and experienced violence
  • Charlotte Rattray (PhD) –Trauma, womanhood and landscape in female-led crime drama
  • Kirsten Gibson (PhD) – Experiences of women after release from prison


Stringer, R. (2024). Rape myths, rape law and Mendelsohn's victimology: Law's 'bio-psycho-social' witness. Feminist Legal Studies. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10691-024-09548-x Journal - Research Article

Stringer, R. (2023, November). The origins of victimology in Benjamin Mendelsohn's legal practice. Verbal presentation at the Societatea Română de Victimologie / Romanian Society of Victimology (RSV) National Conference: Highlights on victimology, victimization and victims (4th edition), [Online]. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Stringer, R. (2021). Victimology: From criminality to 'victimity' and the problem of victim blame. In E. Stanley, T. Bradley & S. Monod de Froideville (Eds.), The Aotearoa handbook of criminology. (pp. 257-265). Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press. Chapter in Book - Research

Stringer, R. (2014). Knowing victims: Feminism, agency and victim politics in neoliberal times. Hove, UK: Routledge, 185p. Authored Book - Research

Stringer, R., Smith, D., Spronken-Smith, R., & Wilson, C. (2018). "My entire career has been fixed term": Gender and precarious academic employment at a New Zealand university. New Zealand Sociology, 33(2), 169-201. Journal - Research Article

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