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Wednesday 15 October 2014 2:11pm

The Sir John Walsh Research Institute and the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Otago have established a trust fund in memory of Professor Jules Kieser.

jules-kieser-image-smallStaff and students of the SJWRI and the Faculty were saddened by the untimely passing of Jules Kieser in June. He touched the lives of many within, and outside, the University of Otago. In the Faculty he contributed significantly to teaching, research and leadership. He was a dynamic and engaging teacher of oral biology, craniofacial biology and forensic sciences, and a passionate researcher and supervisor of undergraduate and postgraduate research students. He was an inspiring leader in the roles of founding Director of the SJWRI, Associate Dean for Research, and as former Head of Department of Oral Sciences. In addition, Jules was a compassionate and caring colleague, mentor, and friend to many in the Faculty of Dentistry and the forensic and dental communities.

In order to honour Jules' many contributions to academia, research and the profession, the SJWRI and the Faculty have decided to create the Professor Jules Kieser Memorial Trust. Interest from the trust will be used to celebrate learning and to support research. The Trust will support two annual prizes to be awarded to students, one in Forensic Biology and one in Oral Biology. Funding will also be used to support research projects for PhD students.

To donate to the Professor Jules Kieser Memorial Trust, or to learn more about the Trust, please visit

With your help, this fund will provide a perpetual and growing tribute to a man who gave so much to dental education and research, forensic sciences and the dental profession.

Professor Richard Cannon
Director, Sir John Walsh Research Institute
Associate Dean for Research, Faculty of Dentistry
University of Otago

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