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Mohammad is a PhD student in the field of Paediatric Dentistry, supervised by Professor Bernadette Drummond. Mohammad completed his BDS at the University of Cairo in 1991, followed by a Masters of Dental Science in Paediatric Dentistry at Leeds University in 2006. His MDentSci thesis research was on 'Interventions for treating traumatized non-vital immature permanent front teeth: Inducing a calcific barrier and root strengthening.' His other qualifications include FDSRCS Ed (Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh) with Paediatric Dentistry & Oral Medicine as special subjects, and MPaedDent RCSEd (Membership in Paediatric Dentistry) of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

Mohammad was the inaugural winner of the SJWRI Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition for PhD students in 2013.


Isolation and characterisation of multipotent cells in primary human teeth pulp at three different stages of tooth resorption
The aim of Mohammad's research is to study stem cells from extracted baby teeth under the microscope with special staining. The study will examine the cells from extracted baby teeth to determine if different tissues of the tooth can be regenerated, including nerves, blood vessels and hard tooth tissue. The teeth will be examined under a microscope using a staining technique known as immunohistochemistry, which allows the identification of different types of cells in the tooth. Cells from the pulp (the centre of the tooth) will also be grown in the laboratory to understand better how they behave. They will be characterised using immunohistochemistry and how key genes and proteins respond in culture will be determined. This research will help to improve the way damaged teeth are treated thus improving outcomes after dental injuries. This research is funded by grants from the University of Otago and New Zealand Dental Association Research Foundation.

Alansary 3MT slide

Mohammad's winning 3MT Competition slide, summarising his project in flow chart form.

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2013 SJWRI 3MT Competition Winner Mohammad Alansary (right), with 2013 Basic Research Award winner Dr Basil Al-Amleh (left) and the late Professor Jules Kieser, former Director of the SJWRI (centre).

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