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2019 (April 12-14): College of Education- come see headliners (best selling American science writers Mary Roach and Michael Shermer), leading scholars in the field of the psychology of afterlife beliefs and a screening and Q & A with producers of Wellington Paranormal.

2017 (21st September): WJ Seminar Room, 1pm - come to see Ana debate whether evolutionary psychology provides the best explanation for sex differences in social behaviour.

2017 (August): Jamin is going live from Paula Poundstone (NPR) on Wednesday, the 23rd of August, to discuss his and David's work on faces and names!

2017 (March): Come and have your say on international Women's Day. 8th of March at the Museum Reserve (in front of Otago Museum), 11:30am-1:30pm!

2016 (November): The 400-level Poster Sessions are happening on Wednesday the 9th of November in the Year 2 Teaching Lab, don't miss it!

2016 (October): Join us on Thursday the 20th of October from 12:10pm to 1:00pm at Adams Building (18 Frederick St.) Room 033, to hear Dr Richard Egan in his talk "Spirituality is a public health issue" in the Public Health Seminar Series!

2016 (October): You are invited to celebrate the publication of "Death, Anxiety and Religious Belief: An Existential Psychology of Religion" by Jonathan Jong and Jamin Halberstadt at 5:30pm, Wednesday 2nd November at the University Book Shop, 378 Great King Street.

2016 (August): The annual Psychology Quiz Night will take place at 7pm on the 15th of September!

2016 (August): The annual KiwiCAM (Kiwi Cognition and Memory) conference will be held at Otago this year, from November 12th-13th. Check out this website for information on submission/registration!

2016 (August): We are excited to have Harvey Whitehouse and Jonathan Jong visiting the lab in the next couple of months!

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