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2019 (August): Ana Stojanov, one of the lab's PhD students, has recently received a Civil Society Scholar Award. According to the society's website, "Civil Society Scholars are selected on the basis of their outstanding contributions to research or other engagement with local communities, to furthering debates on challenging societal questions, and to strengthening critical scholarship and academic networks within their fields." Well done Ana!

To see more visit the Open Society Foundations Civil Society Scholar Awards

Recent PhD graduate Thomas Swan has had a paper titled "The Mickey Mouse problem: Distinguishing religious and fictional counterintuitive agents" published in PLOS ONE.
Read the paper

2019 (July): Lab member Dr Thomas Swan completed his PhD this month and submitted a thesis entitled "The Effect of Anxiety on Religious Cognition." The thesis proposes and supports a cognitive-motivational model of religious belief that affords answers to persistent questions in the study of religion.

For this semester, Thomas has taken up a position in the Centre for Science Communication as a research adviser and statistical consultant for students and staff. Congratulations, Thomas!

2019 (July): PhD student Ana Stojanov has had a paper titled "The Conspiracy Mentality Scale: Distinguishing Between Irrational and Rational Suspicion" published in Social Psychology. Congrats Ana!
Read the paper

2019 (May): Jamin has been announced as the next head of the department of psychology, and will be starting next year. Congrats Jamin!

2019 (March): Soon after submitting her Master's thesis, Samantha Smith accepted a job utilising her skills at the Australian Human Resources Institute. Below is a blurb from Sam describing her role. Congrats Sam!

I started at the Australian HR Institute in March, as a Research Coordinator working in the HR Standards and Practice team. The HR Standards & Practice department is a think tank for research and development, maintains industry standards for Australian HR practitioners, and is responsible for the development and maintenance AHRI products and services (e.g. training courses on HR, HR assistance programs, research projects). I utilise my research skills by partnering with external HR practitioners as well as academics to investigate the hot button issues of the HR profession in Australia.

2018 (August): Jamin was nominated for "Best supervisor award" in the division of Sciences, and was presented with a nomination award in the Staff Club. Congrats Jamin!


2018 (June): PhD student Keren Segal was interviewed on her Disaster Fusion research regarding the Christchurch Earthquake.
Watch her interview.

2018 (May): PhD student Keren Segal will participate in the Association for Psychological Science convention in San Francisco!

2017 (November): Jamin won researcher of the year! Congratulations Jamin!

2017 (September): Marea MC'd the festival 'Silverline Otago' and ran a workshop called 'Becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable: challenging the brave face mentality'.
Read more about the workshop

Marea MC

2017 (September): Sam's team won their debate arguing in favour of whether religious people are more moral! Congratulations!

2017 (August): Congratulations to Chris Jackson, current PhD student, on winning the city council primary! All the best in the general election!

Chris City Council

2017 (February): Brittany was on The Project! Video coming soon!

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