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Heads of programme

Professor Emily Keddell
Child protection; inequalities; algorithms; decision-making

Associate Professor Shayne Walker
Māori social services development, alternative care, social service agencies, care and protection

Academic staff

Emeritus Professor Amanda Barusch
Gerontology, from interpersonal relations to international policy comparisons

Kerri Cleaver
Advocacy and social justice; indigenous child protection; mana wāhine and pūrākau

Associate Professor Anaru Eketone
Māori economic and social development; Kaupapa Māori

Professor Anita Gibbs
FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder); adoption and fostering; disability; social work research

Dr Katheryn Margaret Pascoe

Fieldwork team

Susan Wason Fieldwork Team Leader

Louie Classen

Professional Practice Fellow

Andrew Rudolph

Administrative staff

Narda Howard Administrator

Luke Biggs Administrator

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