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We would like every student to know about what volunteer opportunities are available to them. Staff are in a great position to inform students about volunteering and the Social Impact Studio and we welcome you to do so. University of Otago staff are welcome to use the services of the Social Impact Studio.

Staff access to UniCrew Volunteers

University staff are encouraged to join UniCrew Volunteers.

Staff can volunteer alongside students as part of a UniCrew Projects. These are community-focused projects led and managed by students in collaboration with a community organisation.

As a staff member you may bring valuable experiences and expertise to the team, if not just your enthusiasm. You are free to join a UniCrew Project that is related to your academic field or pursue a different focus that you care about.

Find out how to join UniCrew Volunteers

Staff needing UniCrew Volunteers

We can help you connect with UniCrew Volunteers or community organisations if your Department or Division is developing or supporting a community-focused initiative.

Contact the Social Impact Studio for more information.

Why students need to be informed about volunteering

Encouraging your students to volunteer will give them a chance to:

  • Gain insight into a profession and an organisation
  • Apply learning to a real-life context
  • Build confidence in a role
  • Enhance relevant skills
  • Generate useful contacts and gain 'insider' knowledge
  • Gain leadership experiences not attainable in a graduate job

Sourcing volunteer information for students

Staff from the Social Impact Studio are available to speak with your students about volunteering, community engagement, and employability. Social Impact Studio staff can deliver this information through a guest lecture, volunteer tutorial or workshop.

Contact the Social Impact Studio for more information.

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