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From left to right

Front Row: Sandy Molnar, June Harrow, Sue McEwan, Sue Common, Isabel Mcleod, Tina Thomas, Marie Polson, Miriam Barry, Nan McKenzie, Jan McNab, Sandra Nimmo, Diane Wharfe, Jenny Nicholls, Sandra Sutton, John McFarlane, and Ra Kohere.

Second Row: Noel Ladgrove, Pat Robinson, Dierdre (Dee) Philpott, Jan Hopper, Caroline Broughton, Jocelyn Hay, Miss Mary Cox, Mr Harold Anderson Technician, Miss Joy Smith Asst. Lecturer, Mr Peter Cameron Snr. Lecturer, Miss Ruth Murray Asst. Lecturer, Philip Smithells Director, Miss Annette Golding Lecturer, Dr Lindsay Carter Lecturer, Miss Janet Brown Asst. Lecturer, Rosalie Finlay, Jenny Cameron, Pat Neville, Jocelyn Saunders, John Casserley and Ken Brebner.

Third Row: Russell Langton, Shona Smith, Jeanette Benge, Jean Gratten, Prue Earle, Win Parkes (née Mirams), Kirsty MacAllan, Pat Lambourne, Devon Hotop, Pat Brocklebank, Margaret Jackson, Helen Rich, Jan Park, Sue Gill, Pat McMillan, Sylvia Hilton, Ruth Garden, Sally Aitken, Glenda Darrell, Jan Searle, Alison Bell, Philipa (Pip) Williams.

Fourth Row: John Whyte, David Notman, Bill O'Neill, Helen Presswood, Shona Sutherland, Jackie Simons, Gaynor Restieaux, Keith Vial, Brenda Harvey, Margaret Emerré, Ellen Flygenring, Jan Mason, Joseph (Joe) de Bortali-Tregerthan, Rex Billington, Eddie Berghan, Greg Waldron, Jim Munnings, Melvyn (Mick) Head, Barry McDonald, Graeme Bassett and Barry Gordon.

Back Row: Jill Malin, Gary Jacobsen, Maureen Farmer, John Pullan, Denise (Den) Meynell, Don Rae, Ian Horlor, Murray Speden, Lindsay McCaughan, Barry O'Brien, Geoff Elmsley, Les Williams (who later became the Dean), Rex Fowler, Richard Swindell, Conrad Stricke, Brian King – in behind (L) Fred Harding and Des Brough.

Absent: Joy Humphrey, Jane Maddox, Lee Moore, Mary Sharples and Bruce Petersen and June Montgomery.

Photo taken 1960 by Alan Stuart, 30 Moray Place, Dunedin.

Courtesy of Professor Lindsay Carter DipPhEd 1952, Win Parkes DipPhEd 1961, Melvyn (Mick) Head DipPhEd 1961 and Annette Golding, lecturer in dance at the School from February 1953 to October 1965.

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