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OUSPE 1969 Class Photo

From left to right:

Front Row (seated)
Sue Crockett, Diane McKay, Kay Harrison, Gail McBride, Ros Howman, Lissie Hogg, Stan Mair (Tutor), Nola Edgar (Tutor), Frances Cruikshank (Tutor), Prof Smithells, Heather Montgomery (Tutor), Gaylene Wilson (Tutor), John Masters (Tutor), Bev Ross (Tutor), Theresa Iliohan, Gill Fountain, Barbara Stewart, Kathy Harris.

Second Row (Standing)
Bala Balachandran, Ray Garrett, Judi Miller, Claudia Knight, Danae Goosman, Sally Allison, Jackie Roy, Mary Stewart, Wendy McCaw, Marion Allen, Louise Sully, Wendy Bird, Annette Knight, Lesley Mintrom, Anthea Berry, Heather Parker, Heather Clarke, Mary Gray, Jos Gascoigne, Patrick Wong.

Third Row (Standing)
Paul Herbert, Grant Hinchliffe, Norman Keane, Raewyn Cooke, Bev Anderson, Diane Myers, Kay Pragnell, Pua Foliaki, Marja Ter Haar, Murdene Stevenson, Heather Hughes, Anne Masefield, Vicki Hearfield, Rosemary Wardell, Carolyn Simmonds, Rex Smith, Nigel Hands, Maurice Jackways.

Back Row
Kevin Gledhill, Stu McDougall, Dennis Tindall, Jim White, Chris Taylor, Adrian Ward, Trevor Sutherland, Jack Dzenis, Derek Compton, Bruce Vickerman, Ian Culpan, Dave Noriss, Sef Koroi, Alan McEwan, Graham Bond, Keith Roberts.

Deborah Corich, Judith Candy, Judith Smith and Keith Williams

Photos and names courtesy of Wendy Dunlop (née Bird) DipPhEd 1971 and Lissie Hogg DipPhEd 1971

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